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Here on GoG, and if they don't have it feel free to mention it as well.

I think here on GoG my favorite game would have to be Vampire the Masquerade Redemption, I absolutely love everything World of Darkness, even the short live TV show Kindred: The Embraced was awesome and I wish it would have gotten a proper run but of course it was on FOX so it never really had a chance.

My second favorite is Zork, even though I don't own it, it has to be one of my favorite games.

I am also really loving Unepic right now as well, best $5 I have spent in a while.
Post edited June 01, 2013 by Ki11s0n3
Diablo II for sure! There are so many reasons, but mainly it just give me fun :-)
makr3la: Diablo II for sure! There are so many reasons, but mainly it just give me fun :-)
Yeah it is a great game, I remember playing the crap out of it.
Deus Ex. I simply adored both the conspiration storyline and the all-new (for my young self) gameplay.
E.T. for Atari. No matter how sad or pathetic my life gets I can just think of that game and say to myself, "Hey, at least I'm not that fucked up!" :D
It generally rotates between BG2, Fallout 1, Wizardry 7, Morrowind, and Heroes 3, depending on my mood.

As for why, apparently I really love cRPGs, and these are the most immersive and enjoyable. Heroes 3 on the other hand is complex enough to always be interesting, plus it's just so much FUN!
Post edited June 01, 2013 by bevinator
tinyE: E.T. for Atari. No matter how sad or pathetic my life gets I can just think of that game and say to myself, "Hey, at least I'm not that fucked up!" :D
They are gonna dig up the hole soon
tinyE: E.T. for Atari. No matter how sad or pathetic my life gets I can just think of that game and say to myself, "Hey, at least I'm not that fucked up!" :D
morciu: They are gonna dig up the hole soon
Stupid question: why?
Heroes of Might and Magic 3 and Diablo II . Can't decide which one exactly :/
morciu: They are gonna dig up the hole soon
tinyE: Stupid question: why?
some sort of documentary
From the GOG catalogue - Little Big Adventure 2. No idea why I became so obsessed with it back then, but it was a rare game that I've played more than ten times. Many more...

In general... Can't choose between The Neverhood and Grim Fandango. Both influenced me heavily. The former was, like LBA2, something I could play over and over again (scraps of paper with codes written on them all over the room... that was before the age of mobile phones with cameras). The latter somehow cured my long-term depression. The fact that both games seem to have licensing issues that prevent them from being released on GOG makes me sad.
That's a very easy one to answer, and yes, it's here on GOG and one of the best sellers since it was placed here. It would have to be Ultima VII The Black Gate. Each person in the world does his or her own thing, whether running a shop, healing the sick, adventuring, hunting, or anything. You really start to care about all the citizens of Britannia and, even though the game is isometric 3rd person, you feel as if you are there in Britannia.
Personally, I had dreams about walking around Lord British's castle and downtown Britain after playing the game for less than a week. The story is very good and rife with mystery, but what really makes it shine is the interactivity with the world.
Tired of killing monsters for a living? You can get a job as a baker's assistant and bake bread, or you can work for the farmer moving pumpkins. You can also work as a narcotics agent and confiscate drugs for large amounts of money by selling them to the apothecary.
If none of these jobs sound good to you, you can get into trade, buy meat at a low price and sell it for a higher price, thus putting together a pretty good sum of money, or, if you really don't mind risk, you can become wealthy as a gambler.
Even toys on people's desks work. The only thing you can't really do is write on parchment with a quill.
There are some newer games with a similar level of interactivity, but this was the first to really give you a whole living island to enjoy, and it feels more like a vacation than a game.
Such a broad question that is difficult to answer and changes often based on my age, mood, interests, and a variety of other factors.
Currently it is Don't Starve as I'm trying to master it and having fun doing so.

But at various points in my life, its been the current Civilization game, Doom, the current Ultima game, Everquest 1 and 2, Borderlands, the current Mario game if talking consoles and so many more.
Post edited June 01, 2013 by Jeets2
ZapMcRaygunn: There are some newer games with a similar level of interactivity, but this was the first to really give you a whole living island to enjoy, and it feels more like a vacation than a game.
What other new games? Please, PM me the list of those you're aware of!
Jeets2: Such a broad question that is difficult to answer and changes often based on my age, mood, interests, and a variety of other factors.
Currently it is Don't Starve as I'm trying to master it and having fun doing so.

But at various points in my life, its been the current Civilization game, Doom, the current Ultima game, Everquest 1 and 2, Borderlands, the current Mario game if talking consoles and so many more.
First place kicking the shit out of everyone WITHOUT Jeter so now comes the tough question, do you want him back?