So many items. Overcoats, long-jackets, velvet waistcoats, silk ascots, wool trousers (after taken in to the tailor), fedoras and gatsby caps of every occasion, enough to make a later-day Wilde or Baudelaire fall to their perfumed dandy knees and weep. Best find was probably a Weimar Germany-era olive-colored trenchcoat with brass buttons. Half my wardrobe over the past decade I owe to those treasure trove vintage clothiers.
Oh, you're talking about games. Well. *clears throat*
I found a complete boxed copy of System Shock 2 and Sid Meier's Alien Crossfire used (at a very reasonable price) at one short-lived mall outlet that dealt in second-hand games, back in the days when Software Etc. was still around and there was still a market for such things. Back then it had yet to reach the astronomical used prices they'd eventually fetch on amazon/ebay before being re-licensed for DD. I never had the wherewithal to sell them when I had the chance, plus several moves and apartments over the years meant that I'd since ditched the boxes/manuals anyway and just had the (still pristine and playable) discs. Still do. A few years after that I managed to get a very cheap "EA Classics" copy of American McGee's Alice at one of those clearance PC software racks from a big-box electronics store; it might have been Circuit City. That unfortunately I lost and, unlike the SMAX and SS2, is still an expensive rarity second-hand! The irony isn't lost on me.