doady: You do realize that kb is not the same as kB right?
kb = kilobit
kB = kilobyte
1 byte = 8 bits
I cannot make sense of the speeds in your post.
I have 10Mbps connection and my download speed usually maxes out at 1.3MB/s. With 30Mbps, your download speed should be around 4MB/s, or 4000kB/s.
200kB/s or 300kB/s is bad, but 200kbps or 300kbps is even worse. Either way, how you are getting such low speeds, I do not know.
Yes, I know of the difference and apologies for not being clear in my original post. To clarify with some more details:
I pay for a 30 Mbps download connection through Time Warner Cable. I live in a fairly major metropolitan area on the East Coast of the USA. Last night, downloading from GOG via http I got 20-30 KB/s (160-240 kbps). With the GOG Downloader I got that multiplied by how many connections I had active - up to 200-300 KB/s (1.6-2.4 Mbps).
Today I tried again. I was still getting speeds similar to last night. Then, all of a sudden the downloader moved to the next game and the speed shot up to about 1.5 MB/s (12 Mbps) average for the duration of its 2 GB download. But honestly, the speed varied quite a bit - anywhere from about 400 KB/s up to the peak speed I saw which was closer to 3 MB/s (24 Mbps).
Still not quite where I'd like it to be, but MUCH better, and I'm not upset anymore. :)
As for what was going on - I'm not sure, but I'm guessing maybe it has to do with certain server(s) being slow and so only the certain games hosted on those servers are downloaded slowly? After my fast download, the next game was back to around 300 KB/s again. Maybe it's related to the size of the download somehow? Large games get full speed and smaller games are speed throttled? I noticed that none of the extras (manuals, wallpapers, etc) that I tried would download more than about 300 KB/s.