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etna87: Um... what? I can absolutely understand bundle fatigue and the problem of most people already owning half of the games, but I do not agree at all that the games in recent Humble Bundles are less interesting or worse than those in the first ones. I don't know about you, but I actually find all of the HIB6 games interesting, same for HIB5. Also the average title they include nowadays seems to be more polished and high-profile.
Now, if you were talking about the various other bundles, then I agree, I got the same impression from them (and since there is ususally only 1 or maybe 2 games in them that interest me, I haven't bought any other bundle in quite some time).
DProject: Sorry, I should've been more clear in what I meant. I've always thought that Humble Bundles are the best bundles and they continue to be the ones that are even worth paying attention to. And like I said, I did buy HiB VI myself. What I meant by crap bundles, are FaceKick, most IndieGalas, and the like that force stuff like Operation Matriarchy down your throat. Nothing wrong with HiBs though and they continue to be interesting and (usually) filled with interesting games. However, my bundle fatigue has reached a point where I won't sometimes buy even a HiB, if it doesn't have a plethora of interesting games, or one I really want (such as Torchlight in the current HiB). Whereas I used to buy any bundle if it was even remotely interesting.
I already suspected you might be talking about the other bundles ;-)
Same thoughts here. But it looks like the 10k-20k sales they usually achieve (maybe less for Groupees which have been of varying quality and a lot less for Indie FaceKick) are enough to keep them going. Well, good for the crowd who buys them, and every now and then there might be an interesting title included...
htown1980: In the context of a Humble Indie Bundle, I would define successful as $$$ made.

HIB 1 raised around $1.27 mill (138,813 @ $9.18)
HIB 2 raised around $1.8 mill (232,855 @ $7.85)
HIB 3 raised around $2.16 mill (372,399 @ $5.83)
HIB 4 raised around $2.37 mill (435,250 @ $5.45)
HIB V raised around $5.10 mill (599,003 @ $8.53)

So far HIB 6 is at $1.30 mil (223,003 @ $5.84). Sure there is a week left, but not much has been made over the last 3 or 4 days. Maybe it will pick up when they release more games. I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't hit $2 mill.
amok: I would define successful as making a good profit and/or nice donations for charity. I would never say that getting $1.3 mill is an unsuccessful bundle. It did not reach the same heights as the others, but it is still a very successful bundle.
Sorry for the confusion, maybe my post wasn't clear.

I wrote: It looks like it will be one of the least successful "numbered" Humble Indie Bundles.

I wasn't saying it was an unsuccessful bundle, just one of the "least successful", i.e. less successful than other Humble Indie Bundles.
If it wasn't for SPAZ (DRM-free, yay!), I would have probably passed this bundle. I don't have that many indie bundles, yet I am also already getting overlapping bundles, even just within Humble Bundles. Selling the same games several times to the same person...

But at least they are dirt cheap, if so inclined...
Post edited September 25, 2012 by timppu
"bundle fatigue" seems to be the general consensus...

I'm sure that could be turned into some kind of sexual joke.
htown1980: Sorry for the confusion, maybe my post wasn't clear.

I wrote: It looks like it will be one of the least successful "numbered" Humble Indie Bundles.

I wasn't saying it was an unsuccessful bundle, just one of the "least successful", i.e. less successful than other Humble Indie Bundles.
ah - in that case, not sure if it is anything wrong with it at all, to much focus on platformers maybe? it is still successful and only further bundles will tell us if there is a oversaturate or something similar. It is to early to tell and there is to little data to do anything except speculations.
Could be something to do with the bonus game not being very enticing? I haven't seen the average in this one even hit $6.
low rated
I find game bundles to be useless, morbid and plain dumb: if I want a game, I take that game. No crap or "bonuses" or achievements for me, I just want to get games not the gamification of games purchases....
KingofGnG: I find game bundles to be useless, morbid and plain dumb: if I want a game, I take that game. No crap or "bonuses" or achievements for me, I just want to get games not the gamification of games purchases....

As usual, your condescending and elitist remarks, which as usual are so far of the mark that it is ridiculous, makes me laugh. Thank you for brighting up my day.
The only game that interested me was SPAZ as i had shatter and Torchlight.

Problem is that there are so many indie bundle coming out at the same time that there is a lot of competition for people cash.
KingofGnG: I find game bundles to be useless, morbid and plain dumb: if I want a game, I take that game. No crap or "bonuses" or achievements for me, I just want to get games not the gamification of games purchases....
Ok... I'm intrigued.
1. In what way do you find them "useless"?
2. In what way do you find them "morbid"?
3. In what way do you find them "dumb"?
4. What achievements do you think are contained in, for example, the Humble Indie Bundles?
I haven't purchased a Humble Indie Bundle since they dropped source release from the platform. :(

Seriously, fsck those thieves who stole Lugaru's assets and undercut Wolfire in Apple's app store.
Snickersnack: I haven't purchased a Humble Indie Bundle since they dropped source release from the platform. :(

Seriously, fsck those thieves who stole Lugaru's assets and undercut Wolfire in Apple's app store.
Huh? Explain? I don't see the connection between the pirated Lugaru release and the HiB?
amok: \golfclap

As usual, your condescending and elitist remarks, which as usual are so far of the mark that it is ridiculous, makes me laugh. Thank you for brighting up my day.
Well said..... also

Now, back to topic: I've bought only a Indie Gala and the last two HiB, including the current one; HiB selection of games is still the best around, but i agree there's really too much bundles floating around, often of questionable quality, and people is starting to get a bit tired...

Also, having an already huge backlog, regardless of the cheap prices, i feel somewhat less "guilty" when i impulse-buy a single game (hello Dark Souls!), instead of getting 4-5 titles at a time when i know i won't even install them at least for a few months.... i think i'm not the only one on this
Post edited September 25, 2012 by Antaniserse
In my case, none of the games looked interesting enough for me except for Rochard, which was really the only reason I picked the bundle up. And I'm having a blast with that game. But the rest simply doesn't cut it for me.

I also find it a little odd that they included Torchlight to the bundle when Torchlight II got just released. I wouldn't want to play the first game when its successor that is better in any aspect (in my opinion) just came out at the same time.
htown1980: Was that previous bundle so good that this bundle just wouldn't be able to compare?

Any thoughts?
None of the games from Humble bundle 6 interest me what-so-ever.

In the last bundle, Psychonauts was worth the Bta on it's own!