soulgrindr: while IE5 and 6 were crimes against the internet, to be homest IE8 isn't at all bad. Of course, that's because they were loosing all their customers to Firefox, so they borrowed all their ideas. (but then again, firefox borrowed most of it's ideas from Opera).
I don't want to mess with Chrome. Google really didn't need to muddy the waters by introducing YET ANOTHER browser for sites to have to test and support... it was bad enough already.
My personal feeling is that google are just using chrome to influence Firefox in the way they want it to go. Google already gives money to Firefox... and all the features from chrome are gonna get integrated into FF within a few months anyway.. doesn't seem worth the switch.
Muddy the waters? Free choices are good things, last time I checked, which is also one of the main arguments straight from Google regarding the reasons that they chose to put out a browser. I think if you read their
you'll get a much better feel for the browser than if you simply dismiss it.