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Momo1991: Valve/Steam is based in Seattle, WA.
iippo: Never knew they were in Seattle >> With Shodan making mess of GoG, I wouldnt be too suprised if Deus was then making its first moves in Valve ;) ...although I was pretty certain Apple would be the first company to build an arcology...

Shame I manage to miss the Shadowrun kickstarter T_T
Hm, I always imagined Apple being more Alpha Complex and less Renraku really
IvorySoul: You're wrong on the sale part. During the Steam sales these are the best prices you will find on any game anywhere. With Amazon you have to include shipping. You may get better deals on boxed games, but the Steam sales are popular for a reason. Can't find those prices anywhere else.
Amazon has a digital distribution section these days, and its sales tends to be better (often considerably so) than the ones found on Steam. Both Gamer's Gate & Greenman also consistently give better deals for steam games than Steam, and we also have that Brazilian site which name currently escapes me that sells internationally and that quite often serves up some really good deals. (Gamer's Gate due to its Blue Coins (basically you get 5% back from every purchase that you can then spend on other things on that site) & Green man for its promo codes and for us who live outside of the US, prices in USD)
Post edited February 14, 2013 by AFnord
IvorySoul: With Amazon you have to include shipping.
Andanzas: What do you mean? Amazon charges shipping for their digital downloads?
Amazon doesn't even charge shipping for physical deliveries, provided they're over €20 (I assume the same applies in the US).

Mind you, this comment...

IvorySoul: These 25 people were probably slackers, screwing around at work, calling in sick all the time, breaking company policy (like leaking information) and Valve trimmed some fat. about the most facepalm-worthy thing I've read on this forum in a long time and pretty much makes his subjective point of view pretty clear. Bad-mouthing 25 people you don't know who have just lost their jobs for reasons you don't know in a fit of fanboy fury is just fucking disgusting.
iippo: Never knew they were in Seattle >> With Shodan making mess of GoG, I wouldnt be too suprised if Deus was then making its first moves in Valve ;) ...although I was pretty certain Apple would be the first company to build an arcology...

Shame I manage to miss the Shadowrun kickstarter T_T
AFnord: Hm, I always imagined Apple being more Alpha Complex and less Renraku really
...for now Apple has been content to fiddle with technology, but just you wait - at somepoint they realize that it will be easier to change people fit their tech than the other way around.
Momo1991: Valve/Steam is based in Seattle, WA.
iippo: Never knew they were in Seattle >> With Shodan making mess of GoG, I wouldnt be too suprised if Deus was then making its first moves in Valve ;) ...although I was pretty certain Apple would be the first company to build an arcology...

Shame I manage to miss the Shadowrun kickstarter T_T
If it was Shadowrun Returns you can preorder the game from here
Post edited February 14, 2013 by mcneil_1
iippo: Never knew they were in Seattle >> With Shodan making mess of GoG, I wouldnt be too suprised if Deus was then making its first moves in Valve ;) ...although I was pretty certain Apple would be the first company to build an arcology...

Shame I manage to miss the Shadowrun kickstarter T_T
mcneil_1: If it was Shadowrun Returns you can preorder the game from here
Oh nice, i didnt know it was still possible - is there any idea what platform the digital download means, if any? Because if there is no info on it yet, ill wait until it comes to gog/steam. I am quite content with two game libraries :)
Telika: I thought that massive layoffs was a sign that company was super healthy and doing great. Generally such news come with the announcement of shareholders officially pissing themselves with joy.

How does economy work, again ?
They must be wanting to give themselves bonuses. :-)
Elenarie: They try to make smart business decisions by letting people that they don't need go?
Rincewind81: Starting with the "Head of Business Development"?

No, something is pretty fucked up in Valve paradise. Maybe they realised, that they earn money with selling and making games, not with some hardware, not with unlimited free keys for developers and business comeptitors(!) and not with Linux ports of really old games.

They don't get things done in the last time. Half Life 3? Source Engine 2? DOTA? Far, far away. Every digital retailer offers better prices (GMG, than Steam (even during sales) and they just sells Steam keys, so Valve has to handle the "delivery" and pay for the Infrastructure...
I was surprised to see that, having been gifted DOTA 2, I ended up with 23 (!!) free keys to give away.
Post edited February 14, 2013 by DieRuhe
IvorySoul: These 25 people were probably slackers, screwing around at work, calling in sick all the time, breaking company policy (like leaking information) and Valve trimmed some fat.
jamyskis: about the most facepalm-worthy thing I've read on this forum in a long time and pretty much makes his subjective point of view pretty clear. Bad-mouthing 25 people you don't know who have just lost their jobs for reasons you don't know in a fit of fanboy fury is just fucking disgusting.
Yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and call troll at this point.
jamyskis: about the most facepalm-worthy thing I've read on this forum in a long time and pretty much makes his subjective point of view pretty clear. Bad-mouthing 25 people you don't know who have just lost their jobs for reasons you don't know in a fit of fanboy fury is just fucking disgusting.
Skunk: Yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and call troll at this point.
Me or him?
Skunk: Yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and call troll at this point.
jamyskis: Me or him?
The guy I already berated a few posts ago.
Andanzas: What do you mean? Amazon charges shipping for their digital downloads?
jamyskis: Amazon doesn't even charge shipping for physical deliveries, provided they're over €20 (I assume the same applies in the US).

Not in the US. We have to buy an Amazon Prime account which is $70 a year and you get free 2 days shipping. Amazon does offer free Super Saver Shipping on certain items, but it takes forever to arrive.

IvorySoul: These 25 people were probably slackers, screwing around at work, calling in sick all the time, breaking company policy (like leaking information) and Valve trimmed some fat.
jamyskis: about the most facepalm-worthy thing I've read on this forum in a long time and pretty much makes his subjective point of view pretty clear. Bad-mouthing 25 people you don't know who have just lost their jobs for reasons you don't know in a fit of fanboy fury is just fucking disgusting.
How is that a stupid remark? It happens and is just as much speculation as Valve being a big mean company and wanting more money, or firing them for the hell of it. Things like that happen at companies. I'm not the only one who thinks this. I'm not saying it's true I just wanted throw out another idea no one has said yet. Don't get your panties in a twist.
Post edited February 14, 2013 by IvorySoul
Valve refuses to tell anyone why layoffs have happened. My theory is that Gaben walked in the cafeteria and someone told a joke about his weight - everyone laughed and laughed, not noticing their boss. Gaben took the shoe off and threw it as hard as he could in the main joker, knocking the cup of coffee out of his hand and shouted "THAT'S IT MOTHERF**KERS! YOU ARE ALL FIRED!!", took out Ben & Jerry's from the fridge, and slowly walked out of the cafeteria in a total silence.

True story.
IvorySoul: How is that a stupid remark? It happens and is just as much speculation as Valve being a big mean company and wanting more money, or firing them for the hell of it. Things like that happen at companies. I'm not the only one who thinks this. I'm not saying it's true I just wanted throw out another idea no one has said yet. Don't get your panties in a twist.
No no you ARE the only one thinking it. Most people are looking at where they have been laid off from (hardware division aka the people who designed the general steambox outline) and are thinking that Valve has realised it's cheaper to let you know actual hardware companies come up with specs for them to ok and save themselves 25 wages.
didn't gabe tell previously that he never fires anyone and when it happens he considers it a "personal failure" for him?
I think that it is important to keep a few things in mind. If you have ever actually looked at what Steam does, there is a VERY LARGE margin for profit. They sell Video Games. They sell Digital Copies of Video Games. There is no shipping/receiving department, there is no packaging, there is no physical product. In fact, getting to the nuts and bolts, we are only buying a COPY of 1s and 0s. Obviously, there are maintenance and salary and other fees involved, but my point is that when a company such as Amazon sells Steam Codes, where do you think they got them from? And do you really think they could have bought 20,000 Steam Codes, at whatever discount, and Steam would not be making at least a small profit? No, both Amazon and Steam are making a Profit on every sale they make. Every. Single. One.

Now, I love Steam, I think that they are the greatest gaming company out there, only second to our own GOG. However they are a business. They hire people, and when those people either A) Serve their purpose, B) Disagree with the direction that the company is going in, or C) they step too far out of line, they have to fire people. That is not evil, that is not wrong, it is just business.

The bottom line is that no matter what the reason is, Steam let 25 people go, and the other 300+ employees are still working on whatever secret projects they have yet to announce. Gaben already told us that the direction, and overall plan for the company, is unchanged. That means that whatever this was, is minor.

Also, if they left on good terms, then they will be able to find another job pretty easily. Think about it: Two interviews, one guy says: "I owned my own company for 3 years." The second says: "I served on the Design Team for TF2, HL2:E1 and E2." My decision would have been made up right then, so long as his reference is secure.

TL;DR: Steam fired people. They will be just fine, both Steam and the people they fired. Move along, Move along.
Zacron: Obviously, there are maintenance and salary and other fees involved, but my point is that when a company such as Amazon sells Steam Codes, where do you think they got them from? And do you really think they could have bought 20,000 Steam Codes, at whatever discount, and Steam would not be making at least a small profit? No, both Amazon and Steam are making a Profit on every sale they make. Every. Single. One.
Nope. The Developer or Publisher gets as many steam keys as he wants for free with no charge.
Keep all of your users together no matter where or how they get your game. Steamworks has a host of features and services that support your retail product and any digital copies, wherever they are sold. It’s free. There is no per-copy activation charge or bandwidth fee.
Once your game is accepted for distribution on Steam, we will give you as many keys for your game as you want at no cost.
Or Big Gabe himself:
Yeah, people can use it or not use it. We give away the tools for free. They can be included in people’s products. … We’ll provide server capacity, matchmaking services, product services, and all that’s free for content developers. If a product gets sold through our system, then we take a tax. If it’s sold through retail, or if it’s sold through a developer’s website or it’s sold through Origin or Direct2Drive, then we don’t take anything.
We’re only generating money when we’re directly contributing to a sale. Our tools and services are free to use, regardless of distribution channel.

That is the whole business model behind the most Indie Bundles or the Indie Gala Store. Selling free Steam Keys and using Valves infrastructure for the distribution. Nice for Valve to get more users but it seems to be a ridiculous long term business model when every competitor sells the games for less and you offering free services for the customers without earning a single cent...