Qwertyman: Unrelated, but is Zeek's Pizza still around in Seattle? I think that's what it was called. They had a pizza called the dragon or something that I really liked.
IvorySoul: You're wrong on the sale part. During the Steam sales these are the best prices you will find on any game anywhere. With Amazon you have to include shipping. You may get better deals on boxed games, but the Steam sales are popular for a reason. Can't find those prices anywhere else.
Qwertyman: Just as an FYI - Steam isn't the super cheap site it used to be. I mean, they still have great sales, but it's quite easy now to find a site that sells Steam games cheaper than Steam does. So you can in fact find the same or better pricing elsewhere now. Quite of a few of my last Steam purchases have come from other sites like Amazon or Greenmangaming.
That's why everyone waits for the Steam sales. The games end being cheaper than those sites you mentioned. The summer and Christmas sales end up crashing their servers some times. I even save games up on my wishlist and buy them all on the Steam sales.
IvorySoul: People tend to forget that firings and lay offs aren't just to expand revenue and gain more profit. These 25 people were probably slackers, screwing around at work, calling in sick all the time, breaking company policy (like leaking information) and Valve trimmed some fat. It happens at every company but people seem to think it's Valve being greedy and needing more money...for 25 people? Not likely. Maybe if it was 250 or 2,500 people, but not 25.
You're wrong on the sale part. During the Steam sales these are the best prices you will find on any game anywhere. With Amazon you have to include shipping. You may get better deals on boxed games, but the Steam sales are popular for a reason. Can't find those prices anywhere else.
Robette: This is not meant to sound as hostile as it may does, but your entire post consists of shallow commonplace statements.
You don't know what they where fired for, according to wiki valve has 350 employees so your numbers don't make sense and I think the amazon coupon deals where cheaper than steamsales but I would be willing to book that as an exception.
No but it makes sense. Whenever anyone gets fired people assume the company is being a big meanie. NO ONE knows what these guys were fired for and we never will know. People can speculate all they want, this just makes the most sense.