Posted December 15, 2012

Red herring
Registered: Oct 2008
From Denmark

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted December 15, 2012
low rated

"Okay, thanks all of you! I will try to follow the rules and participate. Now, I do think we should get this thread back on-topic. :D "

Anyways, yesterday I had 2 rep, and now I have like did that happen? Can someone explain this system to me? :) Thanks guys.

That doesn't mean anything, necessarily.
Post edited December 15, 2012 by GameRager

Registered: Sep 2010
From Australia

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States

Red herring
Registered: Oct 2008
From Denmark
Posted December 15, 2012

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States

Red herring
Registered: Oct 2008
From Denmark
Posted December 15, 2012
More mature than that long dead past was, I guess? You turned out alright in the end, but it was a long and arduous journey, and pretending otherwise really wouldn't be very mature, now would it? While your past may be forgiven, it's not forgotten.
I'm just saying that, as the most notorious multiple-account-holding-self-up-repper in GOG history, you're probably exactly the wrong person to say "That doesn't mean anything, necessarily", at least if you're trying to help him.
I'm just saying that, as the most notorious multiple-account-holding-self-up-repper in GOG history, you're probably exactly the wrong person to say "That doesn't mean anything, necessarily", at least if you're trying to help him.

Registered: May 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted December 15, 2012

Anyways, yesterday I had 2 rep, and now I have like did that happen? Can someone explain this system to me? :) Thanks guys.

Crazy Dude
Registered: Nov 2011
From United States
Posted December 15, 2012
To be fair, let us not forget, it is not like Vexxum came and ONLY asked for a cheap game, he also posted]
"If someone could get me MW3 and Asaasins Creed III over Steam, I would love it. Thanks!"[/url]
I mean come on...fuck...that right there should be an automatic -1000 to the rep. Sure, he said he would love it, and Thanks!...but who would not love getting $110 worth of games for free. Especially when all i had to do was createa free account and then post in the non GOG gifting thread.
I guess its better to ask than to pirate but least get to know people around you and make some good friends. Heck, i would not ask one of my good friends straight up for a $60 game, let alone a stranger.
Sure he can be all friendly like and apologize, but come on...he does not deserve any love at the moment.]
"If someone could get me MW3 and Asaasins Creed III over Steam, I would love it. Thanks!"[/url]
I mean come on...fuck...that right there should be an automatic -1000 to the rep. Sure, he said he would love it, and Thanks!...but who would not love getting $110 worth of games for free. Especially when all i had to do was createa free account and then post in the non GOG gifting thread.
I guess its better to ask than to pirate but least get to know people around you and make some good friends. Heck, i would not ask one of my good friends straight up for a $60 game, let alone a stranger.
Sure he can be all friendly like and apologize, but come on...he does not deserve any love at the moment.

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted December 15, 2012
low rated

You turned out alright in the end, but it was a long and arduous journey, and pretending otherwise really wouldn't be very mature, now would it?
While your past may be forgiven, it's not forgotten.
I'm just saying that, as the most notorious multiple-account-holding-self-up-repper in GOG history, you're probably exactly the wrong person to say "That doesn't mean anything, necessarily", at least if you're trying to help him.
I don't expect people to forget what I did if they can't/don't want to, but to move on and let the past stay in the past unless they truly need to bring it up for good reason.
(Sorry....venting. Some have brought up my past here for childish reasons in other threads and seeing your post reminded me a bit of that.)
To be fair,(Not trying to downplay my mistakes here or say I never made any.) I only made the multiple accounts/uprated myself when a few people started downrating everything I posted that they could find in an attempt to discredit & upset me.
I admit it wasn't the best of ideas(I'm very self-conscious, sadly, and this caused me to take the unfair -1s more to heart than I should have.), but that's what I got for letting my emotions get the better of me at the time.
As for the OP: I guess I was upset at seeing people berate him for that one thread he made/asking for games just because he's new. As such, I understandably got a bit defensive(I seem to identify strongly with people being [genuinely] unfairly treated here and I get a bit too emotionally involved sometimes.). I'm sorry if my discussion of the rep system/the OP upset or irked anyone, at any rate.

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted December 15, 2012

"If someone could get me MW3 and Asaasins Creed III over Steam, I would love it. Thanks!"
I mean come on...fuck...that right there should be an automatic -1000 to the rep. Sure, he said he would love it, and Thanks!...but who would not love getting $110 worth of games for free. Especially when all i had to do was create a free account and then post in the non GOG gifting thread.
I guess its better to ask than to pirate but least get to know people around you and make some good friends. Heck, i would not ask one of my good friends straight up for a $60 game, let alone a stranger.
Sure he can be all friendly like and apologize, but come on...he does not deserve any love at the moment.
-1000 rep for asking for an expensive game upon joining a forum? Isn't that a tad harsh for such a minor slight? And he can ask, but that doesn't mean anyone has to give it to such, I don't think people should fault him to such a degree for asking as he did.
(I agree that he probably should've asked for something more reasonable, though.)
Everyone(short of truly evil people, of which there have been a small handful[relatively speaking] throughout history) deserves love and forgiveness.

Registered: Dec 2012
From United States
Posted December 15, 2012
low rated]
"If someone could get me MW3 and Asaasins Creed III over Steam, I would love it. Thanks!"[/url]
I mean come on...fuck...that right there should be an automatic -1000 to the rep. Sure, he said he would love it, and Thanks!...but who would not love getting $110 worth of games for free. Especially when all i had to do was createa free account and then post in the non GOG gifting thread.
I guess its better to ask than to pirate but least get to know people around you and make some good friends. Heck, i would not ask one of my good friends straight up for a $60 game, let alone a stranger.
Sure he can be all friendly like and apologize, but come on...he does not deserve any love at the moment.

Registered: Sep 2011
From Croatia
Posted December 15, 2012

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted December 15, 2012

With that attitude you will get down repped a lot. If you don't learn to have respect toward others, you'll not get far. Just friendly advice. ;-)
I admit this is good advice, though.

Registered: Dec 2012
From United States
Posted December 15, 2012
low rated

With that attitude you will get down reped a lot. If you don't learn to have respect toward others, you'll not get far. Just friendly advice. ;-)