Posted May 17, 2011

Also I find that some people, and I am categorically not saying that you are one of them, feel that anything other than 2 or even 1-dimensional characters in science fiction blowing things up makes something a 'soap opera'. A soap opera uses contrived situations to heighten drama that the story hasn't really earned (i.e. melodrama). Twists, romance, flawed characters, intrigue, etc... are all viable and potentially powerful story tools in any genre, but it depends on how you use them (and how often - i.e. the focus of the story) that makes something drama and SF or melodrama and soap. Sorry for being pedantic as this paragraph's exposition was probably unnecessary.
So I'm not big on traditional stat-point RPGs and one of the reasons for this is that combat and many other things rely on rolled stats or otherwise character attribute points instead of purely relying on the skills of the gamer to determine how good you are at something. Having better equipment is one thing, but I suppose I hanker more for an action-adventure where maybe you can get better equipment (and maybe AI characters can to gain experience to mimic a human learning) as a way to increase your prowess in ship-to-ship or ground combat, but otherwise there are no player stats determining your skill at doing something. The same for other possible skills as well: mining, trading, etc ... i.e. maybe you can hire better AIs or buy better equipment to help you, but other than that, the play is dependent solely on you and your abilities. Attributes are good for dealing with AIs which have to have stats or attributes (or assign them to the human a la reputation) to try to mimic human interaction, but I feel otherwise I would like to play a game where the player's core skill set is fundamentally what the player themselves can do given the universe, the UI, and the story rather than a function of stat points assigned to or earned by the player.
The indie game still in development infinity-universe is sort of like this, but it is an MMO and I also don't generally go into those - you have to play them too often to make the experience (and the money if it is pay-per-month) worth it. For a single-player game, I understand that the X-series is sort of like this (I have X3: Reunion, but haven't started it yet).
P.S. I am not bashing traditional stat-point RPGs. I understand why people like them and definitely see the value in the game mechanics they bring - especially in a fantasy setting. I've even played a few and liked them. However, in general the stat-point mechanic is not for me and this was for my ideal science fiction RPG/adventure. Other facets like an interesting story with great characters should be a given. :)
Post edited May 17, 2011 by crazy_dave