My first computer i got in 1993 for my first communion was Amiga 600. It did not have hard drive and i connected it to tv. Played the shit out of superfrog but also kick off (or sensible soccer. not sure which)
My second was in 1994 and it was PC
486DX2, MASSIVE 500MB harddrive. sound card (a year or so later tough) 14inch color monitor. it was a beast. First game I bought for it was Megarace 1 i believe, also played CandC, warcraft 1 and of course transport tycoon (not deluxe. that came a bit later). good times.
Galimatias: Compaq 486/DX2 with whooping 32MB of ram and a 200mb harddrive.
It was a beast!
the f---? 32MB of ram? i think i had only eight.
I had more HDD than you tough!!