SimonG: I can assure you that the SP campaign of SC 2 is 100% free of multiplayer aspects. Half of the SP units and upgrades don't even show up in MP. I bought it full price on release only for the SP and it delivered better than many games that get released without MP altogether.
Maybe so, but already in the trial version the starting menu and screen seemed to be more geared to competitive online aspects than in the original Starcraft, where multiplayer felt more tacked-on extra feature. In SC2 (trial) the single-player feels to be the part that was tacked on.
SimonG: And you can play them with random people very well, if they aren't too complex.
I always played TF games only on public servers, and didn't have much problems even though many people said it is sooo much better when you are in a "clan" and play with other clans, and people you know. To me that sounds more like gaming becoming a way of life, rather than just a hobby. I just want to jump in and out even the multiplayer online games when I feel like it, not having to make schedules and arrangements with my "clan friends".
In that sense I want to treat multiplayer games like I treat single-player games.
AFnord: You can make a drinking game out of playing video games. Each time someone wins, that person needs to take a swig of something more than mildly alcoholic. After a while, the person who used to be able to beat everyone will have a hard time playing the game, and other people will start to win. It works great for Mario Kart & Bomberman.
Hey, that doesn't sound too bad! But you know us Finns, we'd probably end up stabbing each others if we lose intoxicated...