NightK: I really hope these kickstarter projects are successful, most importantly Shadowrun, Grimdawn and Wasteland. If they are successful and achieve what they promised to do with good games may bring salvation to this corporate ruled video game market and niche genres will be able to stand on their own again and gamers will get good games again.
I totally agree. It's good to see some niche titles returning from indie developers, and not only via Kickstarter. Loving Legend of Grimrock so far, and hope to see more games like that in future as well.
So far I'm backing Wasteland 2, Takedown, The Banner Saga and Grim Dawn. Wasn't in time to back Double Fine with their project.
When Blackfoot Studios launch a Kickstarter for Ground Branch (a proper tactical shooter in the vein of old Rainbow Six games) I'll back that as well.
I'm still in two minds about Shadowrun Returns and Jane Jensen's project.
Anyway, I know there are risks involved in all of these, but I'd rather try to support small development studios who are engaging more with gamers, than line the pockets of fat-cat CEOs who care only about profits.