Posted November 22, 2012
Suppose a game asks for $100k. Even assuming good faith on the part of the project creator, if the project is currently sitting at $0, I have absolutely no incentive to donate to it UNLESS it's just taking preorders (as Grimoire does, and even then Clive is dumbwrong for giving IndieGoGo a 9% cut).
In 2009, successful kickstarter projects asked for sums like $100 and $200, and no, I didn't leave out zeroes. It was understood that those were basically epic-long-term, sky-high-risk preorders, the game was being made anyway, and the money collected did *not* accelerate development much. But to attract big money, you need to promise to deliver a game of a particular quality within a reasonable timeframe. You are assumed to have set the minimum goal to satisfy these criteria.
If a project asks for $100k to release Tehpwnzor McAwesome the game* by Dec 2013 and collects only $1k, it has no business keeping that $1k unless the donors were actually willing to wait well into the next century.
*I'm working on it. No project, though.
Post edited November 22, 2012 by Starmaker