nijuu: Nekro - check this part of their FAQ
"Will this game be offered DRM-free? (i.e. possible to install and run on a standalone PC without an Internet connection). ...
That's actually the Vigrior : Maneuver Warfare FAQ, their response to my query. I've posted a comment there asking for some clarification, since I wouldn't consider a Steam/Desura download to be DRM-free either.
stonebro: I'm half expecting Warren Spector and Richard Garriott to turn up with their respective kickstarters any second now.
I wouldn't expect Warren Spector on Kickstarter any time soon, he has other things on his plate - see
Epic Mickey 2 Coming To PC, Via 800 Devs. Richart Garriott though would be another matter - probably more likely to turn up with a space travel project than a game though.
stonebro: Been an update to Wasteland 2 as well with promises for hitting $2.5M (plausible) and $3M (won't happen);
At the current rate of growth ($30,000/day) they'll likely exceed $2.3 million, though it does seem to be picking up according to the
RuinedKingdom's Wasteland tracker. It does feel somewhat as if these announcements are being carefully timed (and spread out) to maximise growth.
nijuu: Shame about the modkit. Wonder why they put it at such a high mark?.I thought bigger world was a given anyway with anything over 1.25/1.5mill?
Well they do say that it would need a different team to develop but then the tools shouldn't be that different from what they're using to build the game with. Perhaps they feel they need to release completely different software for modding to avoid "proprietary tool" issues, especially if they're using Obsidian software.
On the other hand, maybe it's just a spur to get people to dig deeper. Next we'll have source-code release at $5 million. ;)
nijuu: Yeah.Like someone else said, starting to get too many in short space of time (like Indie bundles).
And by happy coincidence, the
IndieRoyale April Fool's bundle has just been released. Get your credit cards ready!