Finished up a little back and forth with Chris Roberts of Star Citizen through the KS page, and besides winning me over with his extemely affable personality, he set mind at ease with some questions I had about Star Citizen. From what I can garner, is he is hoping to take the best of many favorites (Freelancer in particular), Privateer, Wing Commander, ect., and make an incredible, fun, immersive Space Sim. He assured me that the game will definitely be available as DRM free to those who prefer that, and that you will be able to play it offline, single internet connection needed, although there will be a very engrossing, fun MP component (not my cup of tea, but sounds like fun). Truly a very ambitious project, but his enthusiasm, and info on it's development have won me over...or I should say pulled me in like a black hole. After suffering grave dissappointment with the Nexus 2 KS (it's DOA, dead in the water unfortunately), this one really seems to have some serious legs already, and despite a Nov 2014 ETA (dang that's a ways off, but this ain't gonna get made overnight), I'm in...this is the type of game that really tickles me. Once again for those interested: