dwinblood: Hi, there. I am the Lead Developer of Wormhole Ventures...
Welcome to the forums, Dwinblood.
Sorry for the boo-boo (made when the page only had the boardgame picture). The screenshots added since do clarify it. If you're looking for further suggestions, I'd suggest shrinking the Starways/M.U.L.E. photos (perhaps have them side-by-side with a note that they're not included in the pledge rewards). Given M.U.L.E.'s age, a link to the its
Wikipedia entry to explain what it was may be a good idea.
I would also suggest highlighting if your game is going to be DRM-free (i.e. can be installed/played without Internet access) which will be significant to many members of this forum.
Aside from that, there have been a number of recent KS failures for space sims recently (see
Spacesector.com: Kickstarters That Made It and … Didn’t Make It for more) including Skyjacker most recently. Your project is asking for far less ($16,670 versus their $200,000) so it would seem to have a far better chance, but publicity from specialist sites (like RockPaperShotgun and SpaceSector) seems to be the key element especially now that KS has lost its novelty for much of the media.
Having an alpha build may be a plus, but it does need good documentation. If people can't get into it easily, it could even be a hindrance (though foreign users should find it more fun thanks to your use of Google Translate - someone used it to translate into Russian the term "kick ass" and it came back with "punch of donkey"...).
Finally, good luck!
Now back to highlighting other projects:
Board: Evil Baby Orphanage (Aug 14)
The Great Heartland Hauling Co: A card game for 2-4 truckers (Sep 7)
Car Wars fans please note, this includes the town of Midville, but no combat... RPG: Dungeonaday.com: The Original Online Megadungeon! (Aug 26)
Accessories: Eternity Dice: forged from lava (Sep 29)
Guaranteed to stun your gaming colleagues - if thrown hard enough!