Gundato: While those definitions ARE (probably) true, the argument that follows isn't.
The picture argues that not being sure if you know or not makes you an atheist. The counter could also be said (not knowing if you believe makes you a theist).
So while the generally used phrase "I'm Agnostic" is probably used incorrectly, Agnosticism is still an option. If you are truly unsure as to whether or not you need to put an "a" in front of your "theist", that is a category.
Navagon: Belief. That's what it comes down to. Anyone that shaky clearly lacks belief. They may not want to admit it. In fact, if they're that shaky, I'd be amazed if they did admit it. But it doesn't change anything.
They could go to church every Sunday, but if they're completely unconvinced either way then they clearly don't believe there is a god.
Belief. that's what it comes down to. Anyone that shaky clearly has belief. They may not want to admit it. In fact, they're that shaky, i'd be amazed if they did admit it. But it doesn't change anything.
They could sleep in every Sunday, but if they're completely unconvinced either way then they clearly believe there is a god.
You see what I did there? :p.
That is the problem. I fully agree that most of the "true" Agnostics believe one way or the other. But there is still the number who truly don't know if they believe or not. They may lean one way or another (or may be perfectly centered), but they still aren't convinced either way.
I can't imagine anyone who would truly fall into that category, but there are likely many.
So next time someone claims they are agnostic, keep in mind that you actually CAN be agnostic. They probably aren't, but you never know...
Let's pretend that last one was a clever comment and not a compete accident I realized right before hitting "post" :p