I prefer Opera, personally. I like it's overall set up. It works quickly and cleanly. After that, I'd probably say Chromium (I use it as a back up browser on Linux). It's fast as hell, but starts to lag a bit too much for me with too many tabs open. On top of that, a lot of pages don't seem to render correctly, as if the browser is taking shortcuts to improve speed. I also wish adblocking was a bit better. After Chromium, Firefox. I started having issues with it, though, and I never used many plugins that made its use necessary. On top of that, it's slower than both Chromium and Opera (for me), so I don't see much of a point in using it. Finally, IE9. Pretty decent compared to previous iterations of IE, but it's still the lowest on my list. That said, I do use it as my back up under Windows Seven.