Most of his earlier works and i really love his Dark Tower series. Also everything he writes that autobiographical or as an intro to his books. I find that very compelling and unusually well written.
Choosing a personal favorite out of so many books (and i have read most of them) is very hard but "Duma Key" would be close since i read it when i had a very series reumatic attack and was in a pain that was so bad that i can't even recollect how bad it was. Since the main character also dealt with pain and his way of coping it came very close to home so i guess that's why it had a huge impact on me.
Another one that comes close is Hearts in Atlantis.
tinyE: Anyone ever read "Eyes of the Dragon"? Kind of a fairy tale and by no means my favorite of his but a nice little book none the less.
Yes i suprised me how much i liked this one. I didn't find the idea of it very engaging so i had postponed reading it a long time. I shouldn't have because it's a very enjoyable read.
AlKim: I'm not much of a Stephen King fan myself; I read a couple of his books and short stories when I was a teenager and felt that they got kind of samey after a while, so I stopped reading them. As a result I haven't got any fresh recollections either, but I think I liked
Pet sematary best.
EDIT: I've also thought about re-reading
Dreamcatcher but I'm afraid it might turn out to be just as crap now as it felt like ten years ago.
Dreamcather is unfortenately just like many of his later work: highly enteraining and engaging for the first half and then i all falls apart...