Posted May 28, 2012
high rated
Time to put that gaming knowledge to the test, because I present to you the Totally Unfair edition of "What is this game?". If you know even one of these games, then you have a good chance of winning, because these babies are not common knowledge. There are 4 games to guess, only one of which is somewhat known (but I've cropped the image). Also, all of these games are from my personal collection, and the screenshots were taken by me.
The rules are simple: PM your guesses to me, and the person who go the most right guesses will get a game of his or her choice from the list below. If more than one get the same amount of correct guesses, then I'll let pick a winner.
Do not post any answers in this thread (even joke answers), though do complain about these being too hard (if you want to ;) )
The games that you can pick from are:
Runespell Overture (steam)
Greed: Black Border (steam)
Sol Survivor (steam)
Really Big Sky (Steam)
Nikopol: Secret of the Immortals (Steam)
Defense Grid+Map Pack 1-4 (Steam)
Making History: The Calm & The Storm (Steam)
Beat Hazard (Steam)
Timothy (Gamer's Gate)
UFO: Afterlight (Gamer's Gate)
UFO: Aftershock (Gamer's Gate)
Fantasy Wars (Gamer's Gate)
Elven Legacy (Gamer's Gate)
Cities in Motion (Mac) (Gamer's Gate)
Adrenaline (Gamer's Gate)
Good luck to all of you (you will need it ;) )!
Contest ends on Thursday evening.
The rules are simple: PM your guesses to me, and the person who go the most right guesses will get a game of his or her choice from the list below. If more than one get the same amount of correct guesses, then I'll let pick a winner.
Do not post any answers in this thread (even joke answers), though do complain about these being too hard (if you want to ;) )
The games that you can pick from are:
Runespell Overture (steam)
Greed: Black Border (steam)
Sol Survivor (steam)
Really Big Sky (Steam)
Nikopol: Secret of the Immortals (Steam)
Defense Grid+Map Pack 1-4 (Steam)
Making History: The Calm & The Storm (Steam)
Beat Hazard (Steam)
Timothy (Gamer's Gate)
UFO: Afterlight (Gamer's Gate)
UFO: Aftershock (Gamer's Gate)
Fantasy Wars (Gamer's Gate)
Elven Legacy (Gamer's Gate)
Cities in Motion (Mac) (Gamer's Gate)
Adrenaline (Gamer's Gate)
Good luck to all of you (you will need it ;) )!
Contest ends on Thursday evening.
Post edited May 30, 2012 by AFnord