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Clive Barker's Undying because of the (in my opinion) ridiculously difficult combat, which spoils an otherwise atmospheric, creepy game with a good story. The first "boss" (Lizbeth) just would not die when I played the game a few weeks ago. I don't usually consult walkthroughs because I consider it a form of cheating but after trying to kill her for about ten hours I needed to know whether it was even POSSIBLE. Eventually I managed it but didn't really understand why she had succumbed this time, and I did not enjoy the experience one bit.

There are also these creatures called "howlers" which positively launch themselves at you and are virtually impossible to dodge when they do so. There are some sections where they come at you in wave after wave and all you can do is run away blindly until you reach safety, having totally lost your bearings in the process. Such a disappointment as I was looking forward to (and otherwise enjoying) this "haunted house" experience. In the end I quit the game because in parts it was too much like an assault course when I had been hoping for a game which would spook me a out in a slightly less frantic fashion. Perhaps I'll give it another try some time but next time I will choose the lowest difficulty setting.
So far for me that would be Bloodrayne 2. Not because of the actual gameplay itself, but the fucking atrocious camera.
My vote probably goes to Riven. It's one of the best adventure games ever made, and it is damn challenging. The game isn't unfair, though - the puzzles are integrated very well, and the clues are there, but you really have to spend time working everything out.

Also, this thread could lead to a cool GOGmix. ;)
Post edited February 27, 2014 by mondo84
Theoclymenus: Clive Barker's Undying because of the (in my opinion) ridiculously difficult combat, which spoils an otherwise atmospheric, creepy game with a good story. The first "boss" (Lizbeth) just would not die when I played the game a few weeks ago. I don't usually consult walkthroughs because I consider it a form of cheating but after trying to kill her for about ten hours I needed to know whether it was even POSSIBLE. Eventually I managed it but didn't really understand why she had succumbed this time, and I did not enjoy the experience one bit.

There are also these creatures called "howlers" which positively launch themselves at you and are virtually impossible to dodge when they do so. There are some sections where they come at you in wave after wave and all you can do is run away blindly until you reach safety, having totally lost your bearings in the process. Such a disappointment as I was looking forward to (and otherwise enjoying) this "haunted house" experience. In the end I quit the game because in parts it was too much like an assault course when I had been hoping for a game which would spook me a out in a slightly less frantic fashion. Perhaps I'll give it another try some time but next time I will choose the lowest difficulty setting.
They are possible to dodge, you just have to time it right. However, the more of them there are, the harder it is to time dodges. I do agree that the atmosphere is spoiled a bit with the "clown car full of howlers" in certain areas but I was able to finish the game on the hardest difficulty without too much trouble.

Vitek: I wasn't able to get past 1(!) level of Stargunner and I doubt I ever will. I don't understand how people can complete it.
Nightblair: Stargunner? That wasn't so hard, at least the episode one. Maybe you should invest in better engines at the start to be fast enough to dodge bullets and other bad things.
Episode 1 wasn't too bad, try the rest if you haven't already, they're a lot harder. I did invest in engines the first thing each episode but it's still a pain trying to dodge all the projectiles when the screen is just loaded with them. I went through the game on medium difficulty and even with a fully decked out ship, I still had to savescum like a boss.

1322: So far for me that would be Bloodrayne 2. Not because of the actual gameplay itself, but the fucking atrocious camera.
This is the reason I didn't like Tomb Raider even though the game got rave reviews.
Post edited February 27, 2014 by IwubCheeze
Theoclymenus: There are also these creatures called "howlers" which positively launch themselves at you and are virtually impossible to dodge when they do so. There are some sections where they come at you in wave after wave and all you can do is run away blindly until you reach safety,
You have a magic stone thing that knocks enemies back; power up you basic attack magic a few times, and you can use stone and magic to wipe the floor with those things. I agree that it's frustrating at first.
JinseiNGC224: Just curious :)

What do you find to be the most hair pulling, painstakingly hard game on GOG? And I'm talking about stable, more or less bug free games that aren't hard because of poor programming or testing. What game have you practically rage quit (or maybe you did) because of the difficulty?

Maybe like these guys? (warning: explicit language)
OldFatGuy: Divine Divinity at the end. The game all the way to the end is not too hard, but there is one enemy at the end that was completely unbeatable for me, and it turns out had quite a reputation as there were several threads of complaining and advice at Larian about this one enemy.

I rage quit both times. First time was over 10 years ago, second time was a little over a year ago. I still shake when I consider how many hours I put into that game only to get to that point and not have a snowball's chance in hell. Between the two playthroughs, I'm sure I tried literally hundreds of times to beat her, but never even came close. I mean not even anywhere close. I never got her health below half as far as I can remember. Had I come close I would've thought at least I had a chance, but never even close to beating her.

Then went to start it again about a week ago, and now the game has a sound issue (on my system at least) that makes it unplayable for me it's so bad. I'm guessing I'm never going to finish that game. It's too bad too, it was really a great, and I mean GREAT game, except for that one part. They over did the final enemy.
As this is a game on my backlog that I hope I will soon try, this comment saddens me greatly.
Theoclymenus: There are also these creatures called "howlers" which positively launch themselves at you and are virtually impossible to dodge when they do so. There are some sections where they come at you in wave after wave and all you can do is run away blindly until you reach safety,
BadDecissions: You have a magic stone thing that knocks enemies back; power up you basic attack magic a few times, and you can use stone and magic to wipe the floor with those things. I agree that it's frustrating at first.
Must admit I didn't use the Gel'zibar stone much and I had a couple of unused amplifiers so I could have powered up my ectoplasm spell. I'll try that combo next time round, thanks. I still think the frenzied combat is a bit out of tune with the "haunted house" theme, though : it's as if the game can't decide whether it wants to be a ghost story or a slasher movie.

In spite of what IwubCheeze says above I will lower the difficulty level next time : killing Lizbeth was stupidly difficult in my experience. According to the walkthrough I read she is supposed to go down easily when she starts to glow and sway as if drunk, but in my experience when I tried to finish her off at this stage she always went into a frenzy and finished me off almost immediately with her hands/claws - and if you don't kill her off she just regenerates and you have to do it all again. I was genuinely surprised when I finally killed her as I hadn't done anything I hadn't already tried umpteen times !
Undying is not difficult at all. I think the weapons serve to give you a fairly realistic depiction of weapons during that time.

That's what 'right click does' it knocks your enemies back.

Thief gold, I thought was notoriously difficult, after knocking every guard down, I was lost in the thieves guild for hours since I couldn't find sufficient loot. (playing on hard).

Next up is jagged alliance 2 (1.13 mod)...the vanilla is not all that difficult though.

Soulbringer is also fairly challenging.

Theoclymenus: Clive Barker's Undying because of the (in my opinion) ridiculously difficult combat, which spoils an otherwise atmospheric, creepy game with a good story. The first "boss" (Lizbeth) just would not die when I played the game a few weeks ago. I don't usually consult walkthroughs because I consider it a form of cheating but after trying to kill her for about ten hours I needed to know whether it was even POSSIBLE. Eventually I managed it but didn't really understand why she had succumbed this time, and I did not enjoy the experience one bit.

There are also these creatures called "howlers" which positively launch themselves at you and are virtually impossible to dodge when they do so. There are some sections where they come at you in wave after wave and all you can do is run away blindly until you reach safety, having totally lost your bearings in the process. Such a disappointment as I was looking forward to (and otherwise enjoying) this "haunted house" experience. In the end I quit the game because in parts it was too much like an assault course when I had been hoping for a game which would spook me a out in a slightly less frantic fashion. Perhaps I'll give it another try some time but next time I will choose the lowest difficulty setting.
Post edited February 28, 2014 by Lionel212008
mondo84: Also, this thread could lead to a cool GOGmix. ;)
Capital idea! Though I'll let someone else grab the glory on this one. :)
mondo84: Also, this thread could lead to a cool GOGmix. ;)
IAmSinistar: Capital idea! Though I'll let someone else grab the glory on this one. :)
Yeah. The mix could come with a complimentary gun so you can blow your brains out trying to win these damn things. :D
tinyE: Yeah. The mix could come with a complimentary gun so you can blow your brains out trying to win these damn things. :D
Or go find the person responsible for making such hard games...... Nah, that would never happen... right? RIGHT???? :O
Post edited March 01, 2014 by OldFatGuy
tinyE: Yeah. The mix could come with a complimentary gun so you can blow your brains out trying to win these damn things. :D
OldFatGuy: Or go find the person responsible for making such hard games...... Nah, that would never happen... right? RIGHT???? :O
Go up to him and tell him that the Jerk Store called, and they're running out of him.

Almost anything made by Silmarils, really.
kingpin: Life of Crime is at least the hardest FPS on GOG. Shogo is hard because of it's random critical hit's but once you've got the enemy placement down and/or if you have fast reflexes parts of the game can be a total breeze.

In Kingpin if you don't have back up you get beaten to a pulp by nearly anything (Even the tiny rats are a nuisance). Heavy fire from machine guns causes your screen to go red and your cross hair to recoil back and forth. Meaning you may as well just quick-load.
Also enimies just seem to get stronger for no reason. When you first get the machine gun it feels ultra powerful, by the end of the game it feels useless.

And just to make it worse if you want cash to buy armour you aren't allowed to gib enemies. Effectively nurfing the rocket launcher and grenade launcher.

Kingpin is beatable. But it's a quick-saving grind.
I'm playing Don't Starve these days and it's pretty challenging as well. I can make it about two weeks now before either my hunger, my damage, or my insanity claims me. But I don't think it's an unfair game. And it sure as Hell is fun...