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Damn, I wish I hadn't deleted that... I had footage that showcased the difference strikingly well - little bits of AvP2k. In the 60 FPS version you saw a man frantically whipping his head around, throwing flares, shooting aliens. In the 30 FPS version you saw a recording... Y'all know what I mean?
30 FPS is crap, and you'll see it as crap once you play at 60 FPS and for some reason drop to 30. It may be constant 30, "smooth" as hell 30... but it will still feel unnaturally sluggish, as if your brain was struggling to see the world around it. 60 is where things feel fine, so that you can actually immerse yourself decently. I prefer 120 myself, or at least 90.
Punished_Snake: I can't decide. I mean, I have no reason to buy a PS4 now (there aren't games I'm interested for), but I wanna play the best version for Ground Zeroes and, soon or later, I will grab a Ps4 anyway (Uncharted 4, Kingdom Hearts 3 are the reasons, for now).
The game will look much better on PS4 no doubt. If you want the best versionthen the choice is obvious.
Licurg: Half.
I'm surprised, I would've thought the very first post would've said something like "30 FPS".
It actually took a while for somebody to post that 'joke' answer.
Which is too bad, because I was hoping to post it.
DProject: But I think they're just full of shit.
Could you be less insulting next time you pretend everybody should not notice the difference because YOU don't notice it.
Punished_Snake: I can't understand nothing :|
There are two ways in which you can notice the difference between 60fps and 30fps. The first is graphical, the image moves more fluidly at 60 than at 30, more life-like. Some people notice it more than others.

The other one, which I'd say is more important, is that the input that you send register twice as frequently. With mouse-based gaming it is very noticeable, and also in racing games and shooters (where split-second reactions are more important) it feels much more responsive at higher frame rates and, therefore, it's plays better. So when Kojima says the gameplay is the same, this is true, the logic of the game and the game mechanics is the same, but it refreshes more frequently at 60fps.
Post edited January 13, 2014 by MichaelPalin
Punished_Snake: I haven't a PS4 yet, but soon or later I wanna take one, just to play games like Uncharted.
It seems like you've answered your own question! If you know you're going to get one anyway, why not now? This way you'll get a superior version of Ground Zeroes (same price as PS3, no?) and you'll be ready to play when Uncharted is released :)

Re: fps. Just because I notice a huge difference between 30 & 60 fps, doesn't mean you have to, or are stupid because you can't see the difference. What matters is how you experience it; nothing else.
Question: What's the difference between 30 fps and 60 fps?
Answer: 30 fps.

It's simple math, people. Come on!
Austrobogulator: Have a look here.
I was mesmerized by that link for far longer than I should have been.
DProject: As for your question, what's the difference? None, in my opinion. I can play games just fine with FPS "only" being 30. The human eye can't even react fast enough to see all 60 frames per second. Apparently, the higher the FPS the more realistic everything looks (or something): for racing games and first person shooters people appreciate a higher FPS. But I think they're just full of shit. To me, it feels like the "Bit Wars" in the 90's; people were comparing the amount of bits without even knowing what they mean. Nowadays, if a game is "only 30 FPS", it's crap or whatever.
Just because you can't tell the difference between 30 and 60 doesn't mean there is none. How many games have you played at 60+ FPS? Judging by that paragraph I'm guessing zero.
I would wait for the PS4 version if i were you. Why the impatience? The next-gen versions will obviously be much better, it's not just about the frames per second. Why don't you just wait and get the best version.?
Punished_Snake: So I preordered Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes for PS3, but now there is also a retail version for PS4.

I haven't a PS4 yet, but soon or later I wanna take one, just to play games like Uncharted.

But I wanna ask a question: what is the difference between 30 and 60 fps?

I mean, 60 fps is supposed to be fastest, but I've seen several videos on Youtube (Sleeping Dogs, Battlefield 3, Call of Duty Ghosts) and all games seem the same, for me. Even the speed.

Kojima said that PS4 version of Ground Zeroes runs at 60 fps, the Ps3 one at 30, but I can't find I blind?
How much of an impact that fps difference makes depends largely on the game and the tastes of the individual (at least in my experience there are certainly some games which it seems to impact for me far more than others).
I'm personally avoiding the PS4 until Sony repeals their ridiculous PS+ requirement. I've used PS+ on and off for a few years now and occasionally it can provide adequate value but I'm just generally opposed to paying for what amounts to always on DRM (in my view it ceases to be a true service when it ceases to be optional). I have two PS3s but no plans to get a PS4, that being said your situation may differ from mine so what I would suggest is download Fraps or some other fps monitoring program onto your computer, boot up whatever game you have which most closely resembles the one(s) you're considering and check out where your fps sits. It's not a direct comparison of course because your PC isn't your PS3 or PS4 and two separate games won't be identical but it could give you a personal ballpark.

The difference is 30FPS. :)
low rated
The human Eye can not process anything faster then 25 Frames per second FACT! so 30 FPS looks exactly the same as 60 FPS there is no difference unless it is a fast paced First Person Shooter.
Post edited January 13, 2014 by fr33kSh0w2012
fr33kSh0w2012: The human Eye can not process anything faster then 25 Frames per second FACT! so 30 FPS looks exactly the same as 60 FPS there is no difference unless it is a fast paced First Person Shooter.
So the human eye can't tell the difference unless it can?
DProject: As you probably know, FPS stands for Frames Per Second. Or, how many still images are you seeing per second. Movies usually have an FPS of 23.976, 25, or 29.97.

As for your question, what's the difference? None, in my opinion. I can play games just fine with FPS "only" being 30. The human eye can't even react fast enough to see all 60 frames per second. Apparently, the higher the FPS the more realistic everything looks (or something): for racing games and first person shooters people appreciate a higher FPS. But I think they're just full of shit. To me, it feels like the "Bit Wars" in the 90's; people were comparing the amount of bits without even knowing what they mean. Nowadays, if a game is "only 30 FPS", it's crap or whatever.
I've been able to accurately peg FPS ranges beyond 60fps. Call BS all you want, but I will stick to calling 30fps visual sandpaper.

I get it though. I think FLAC worshipers are nuts, but maybe they hear something I don't. People like to make hard science lines like the human eye can only do such and such, but perception isn't all that even.
I think there is some confusion about what a higher FPS means. Higher frames doesn't mean faster movement. Higher frames means smoother movement.