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So I preordered Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes for PS3, but now there is also a retail version for PS4.

I haven't a PS4 yet, but soon or later I wanna take one, just to play games like Uncharted.

But I wanna ask a question: what is the difference between 30 and 60 fps?

I mean, 60 fps is supposed to be fastest, but I've seen several videos on Youtube (Sleeping Dogs, Battlefield 3, Call of Duty Ghosts) and all games seem the same, for me. Even the speed.

Kojima said that PS4 version of Ground Zeroes runs at 60 fps, the Ps3 one at 30, but I can't find I blind?
Punished_Snake: So I preordered Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes for PS3, but now there is also a retail version for PS4.

I haven't a PS4 yet, but soon or later I wanna take one, just to play games like Uncharted.

But I wanna ask a question: what is the difference between 30 and 60 fps?

I mean, 60 fps is supposed to be fastest, but I've seen several videos on Youtube (Sleeping Dogs, Battlefield 3, Call of Duty Ghosts) and all games seem the same, for me. Even the speed.

Kojima said that PS4 version of Ground Zeroes runs at 60 fps, the Ps3 one at 30, but I can't find I blind?
Lets just say 60 frames makes everything move faster and fluid while 30 frames is slower, but more Cinematic/movie-like.
Have a look here.
I can't decide. I mean, I have no reason to buy a PS4 now (there aren't games I'm interested for), but I wanna play the best version for Ground Zeroes and, soon or later, I will grab a Ps4 anyway (Uncharted 4, Kingdom Hearts 3 are the reasons, for now).
As you probably know, FPS stands for Frames Per Second. Or, how many still images are you seeing per second. Movies usually have an FPS of 23.976, 25, or 29.97.

As for your question, what's the difference? None, in my opinion. I can play games just fine with FPS "only" being 30. The human eye can't even react fast enough to see all 60 frames per second. Apparently, the higher the FPS the more realistic everything looks (or something): for racing games and first person shooters people appreciate a higher FPS. But I think they're just full of shit. To me, it feels like the "Bit Wars" in the 90's; people were comparing the amount of bits without even knowing what they mean. Nowadays, if a game is "only 30 FPS", it's crap or whatever.
Austrobogulator: Have a look here.
Yeah, here I notice a little difference (the second image seems to lose some frames, the last is very fluid compared to the second one).
Punished_Snake: I mean, 60 fps is supposed to be fastest, but I've seen several videos on Youtube (Sleeping Dogs, Battlefield 3, Call of Duty Ghosts) and all games seem the same, for me. Even the speed.
YouTube's own playback is usually limited to 30fps (I think it can do 60fps now, but I'm not sure).

The PC master race lot will often scream and shout about how 60fps is the minimum and 30fps is crap and unplayable etc. etc. etc. but the reality is that there is rarely an actual difference in terms of gameplay. As Elmofongo says, 30fps lends a game a cinematic feel, while 60fps makes it feel smoother, but often exposes flaws in the graphics like polygons, low-res textures and limited animations. Walking animations often feel "stiffer" at 60fps.

The catch is how often the game logic is updated. Sometimes a developer will have the game logic updated at 60fps while the renderer only updates at 30fps, and in these cases there is no difference in the gameplay. In other cases, both renderer and game logic update at 30fps, which creates a sometimes noticeable lag.
Post edited January 13, 2014 by jamyskis
Punished_Snake: I mean, 60 fps is supposed to be fastest, but I've seen several videos on Youtube (Sleeping Dogs, Battlefield 3, Call of Duty Ghosts) and all games seem the same, for me. Even the speed.
jamyskis: YouTube's own playback is usually limited to 30fps (I think it can do 60fps now, but I'm not sure).

The PC master race lot will often scream and shout about how 60fps is the minimum and 30fps is crap and unplayable etc. etc. etc. but the reality is that there is rarely an actual difference in terms of gameplay. As Elmofongo says, 30fps lends a game a cinematic feel, while 60fps makes it feel smoother, but often exposes flaws in the graphics like polygons, low-res textures and limited animations. Walking animations often feel "stiffer" at 60fps.

The catch is how often the game logic is updated. Sometimes a developer will have the game logic updated at 60fps while the renderer only updates at 30fps, and in these cases there is no difference in the gameplay. In other cases, both renderer and game logic update at 30fps, which creates a sometimes noticable lag.
Kojima said, gameplay side, old and next gen version will be exactly the same. At first. Then he stated that each version comes with specifical ladder, because there are differences between old and next gen. I can't understand nothing :|
Aren't youtube videos always 30 fps? So you woudn't see any difference from youtube videos.

EDIT: ninja'd
Post edited January 13, 2014 by MadalinStroe
I'm pretty confident to declare the difference between the two to be exactly 30fps.

How much that difference is noticed depends on the person, though. I do notice, but I'm used to gaming pushing my lame old PCs and putting up with low framerates (ever found it easier to aim by moving your character than moving the mouse? It's pretty sad, but it works) and long load times (bring a book to your game for that). So it doesn't bother me that much.
It's not matter of speed, but of smoothness. On 60fps all you see on screen will not get faster, but will move more smooth, you will see more movement frames.
P1na: I'm pretty confident to declare the difference between the two to be exactly 30fps.

How much that difference is noticed depends on the person, though. I do notice, but I'm used to gaming pushing my lame old PCs and putting up with low framerates (ever found it easier to aim by moving your character than moving the mouse? It's pretty sad, but it works) and long load times (bring a book to your game for that). So it doesn't bother me that much.
PC side, I have a crappy computer, as I said several times, I usually play on Low with no shadows, no details, no aliasing, no v-sync at all, and yet some games have framerates drop (I played Witcher 2, all on low,at 800x600, and still it had framerates drop).

On console, I have an old LCD TV, I bought it for 200€ 8 years ago, so I think it's not the best at the moment :D
Punished_Snake: I mean, 60 fps is supposed to be fastest, but I've seen several videos on Youtube (Sleeping Dogs, Battlefield 3, Call of Duty Ghosts) and all games seem the same, for me. Even the speed.
And YouTube runs at what..., 25 fps max or so?
30 fps is way too low to play an FPS. =P
The strain on your eyes will be a lot less with 60 and gameplay will be much smoother.
Films are only 24fps and the Hobbit (the new, second one) experimented with some screenings showing a 48fps and audiences thought it looked weird

So 30fps should be plenty, really!
Punished_Snake: Kojima said, gameplay side, old and next gen version will be exactly the same. At first. Then he stated that each version comes with specifical ladder, because there are differences between old and next gen. I can't understand nothing :|
The best version of MGS V will be on next gen or current gen i.e. PS4 and Xbone graphically, Kojima can't come out and say that directly because he still wants the game to sell as much as it possibly can on every platform. For a comparative example you'll see that Watch Dogs on Ps3/Xbox 360 consoles looks different compared to the PS4 and Xbone version that you can hardly find any gameplay videos of it, but people who have seen it confirm that it looks much better on PS4 and Xbone.
Post edited January 13, 2014 by stg83