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Bloodygoodgames: Plus, it's obvious to anyone with any business sense, GOG has to keep making money or the entire site could close. The 'old games' are a finite collection and, honestly, a very small number of people compared to the gaming industry at large are interested in buying old games...
That's also a good point that needs to be highlighted. People who detest newer games here should probably think that maybe they are the only way to keep older games here too, especially with such low price points.

Would the complainers prefer to e.g. pay more for the older GOG games, if that would allow GOG to stay profitable without widening their market to newer games?
While there are newer games, gog's new catalog is still unique - they promote indie, non-mainstream (i mean the games design philosophy not the marketing) quality stuff.
Bloodygoodgames: Plus, it's obvious to anyone with any business sense, GOG has to keep making money or the entire site could close. The 'old games' are a finite collection and, honestly, a very small number of people compared to the gaming industry at large are interested in buying old games...
timppu: That's also a good point that needs to be highlighted. People who detest newer games here should probably think that maybe they are the only way to keep older games here too, especially with such low price points.

Would the complainers prefer to e.g. pay more for the older GOG games, if that would allow GOG to stay profitable without widening their market to newer games?
Especially when a lot of people on GOG (myself included sometimes :), wait until games go on sale for $2.99 before they even bother buying those. At $2.99, GOG is barely making any profit on game sales so, IMO, they have to make the money somewhere and if it's some newer games, hey, more power to 'em.
Bloodygoodgames: [snip
The thing is, GOG's based in Poland, it's cheaper to live here and the average salary is lower than in the West, so maybe they are unspoiled and can put up with it somehow? :P working with great people on a great project is a reward in itself.
Post edited June 02, 2012 by CaveSoundMaster
drechana: Simple post....what is going on? I thought this was Good Old Games at a low price, not Brand New Games at shop price.

There are plenty of sites we can get all the new games....keep it real, keep it hardcore and stick to bringing back classics guys

Sorry dude, I'm buying the new stuff. And for the record you can't buy Alan Wake Steamless anywhere else but here.
Gilou: The answer is simple: GoG has been bought by Activision
staticblast: NO.

Do not even JOKE about that.
Seriously, I read on Kotaku that Boby Kotic was a shareholder (minor) but intended to buy his way for a more substantial part (controling part)
GOG is not losing their focus;they are bringing out as many old games as they ever did.
Now that GOG is beyond criticism but you need to be specific.
My main peeve with GOG is when they release a game in which the conversion to run on a modern computer is not well done. Sadly, that seems to be the case with the Tomb Raider release which a lot of people are having problems with.
hedwards: It is, compared with how GOG has backed down on just about everything else they were about originally. They're still DRM free and global pricing but most of the other stuff has been dumped in the bin to increase sales.
Gersen: The backed down on what exactly ?

They still sell old games, as many as before, DRM-free, no region restriction (with the only exception being W2), and same price for everybody. All the rest, newer games,etc are "extra" on top of what was before.

The only "old" thing they alter was the 5.99 or 9.99 only pricing scheme.
For one thing the site is Good Old Games, I think that should be something of a hint about what the site is for. They no longer guarantee that there will be goodies that come along with the games and the prices are deviating from their previous scheme even when they are old games.

Previously they would have refused to release the game here if they couldn't release it at one of those price points.

The point is that gog has change substantially and bears very little resemblance to the site when I signed up.
dudalb: GOG is not losing their focus;they are bringing out as many old games as they ever did.
Now that GOG is beyond criticism but you need to be specific.
My main peeve with GOG is when they release a game in which the conversion to run on a modern computer is not well done. Sadly, that seems to be the case with the Tomb Raider release which a lot of people are having problems with.
Sigh, do I have to buy you people dictionaries? Yes, GOG has lost it's focus, there is no arguing about that point because GOG is no longer focused on retro gaming exclusively, hence less focus.

Also, to the jerks downrepping the OP, get a life, the OP doesn't spend much time on the forum.
Post edited June 02, 2012 by hedwards
Look, in recent weeks the level of release of old games is the same it has been ...about 2 a week.
The prices for the old games are pretty much the same as they has been....5.99 and 9.99.The one real departure for that was the Roller COaster 3 pack and that was probably a special case..the game is still in print from Atari, for 20 bucks;there were not going to allow GOG to sell it for less;and GOG had a steady stream of request for it,and decided to add it probably to complete the Rollar COaster tycoon series.
I had real concersn about GOG 'losing their focus" when they announced they were going into start distributing Indie games, but a long as the release rate for Classic Games remains what is was during the "Good Old Days" GOG can release all the Indies they want.
Look, if you are that unhappy with what GOG is doing you can always just stop buying from
ANd I am not a gog fanboy. I suggest you check out my criticism of them for the messed up release of the Tomb Raider games. But thing is even in the Good Old Days GOG would mess up an occasional release...Interstate 76 and Outcast come to mind.
I guess some people are not happy unless they are complaining about something,and
usually they think they are some kind of Edgy Rebel Against The Man when they bitch.
**For one thing the site is Good Old Games** ...
Actually, if I remember correctly; during that Conference they had that was mostly about Witcher AND their *new Focus* when they said they were going to start having Indie games and such ... They also said GOG stands for GOG now ... Not Good Old Games any longer but
They broke the G.O.G. binding and became simply GOG .... yet people still refer to them as Good Old Games ... (a name is a name is a name ... Doesn't matter really ... is GOOD.)
hedwards: Also, to the jerks downrepping the OP, get a life, the OP doesn't spend much time on the forum.
I'd guess he's being downrepped for being inflammatory but there you go.

As for the rest of your statements I and I bet a lot of other people requested more price points in the last survey knowing that some companies would want to charge more for their older games and I'm fine with that, if you don't like the price don't buy it and wait for a sale, you never know if enough people do that they might rethink their pricing strategy.

And yeah right it's changed substantially it now carries games that aren't so old whoop de doo, I'm willing to bet that was pretty much a wanted thing in the survey too (infact I'm pretty sure Enigmatic mentioned it as being one of the most requested things). Did you REALLY think that new games would be sold at the old prices when they sell at current levels on steam etc??

GOG has lost focus? Did you notice their release numbers are actually up from before the change over? How about the fact we've got more OLD games than new? That they've managed to get games people thought would NEVER see DRM free releases on here? So lets see we're still getting as many if not more old releases, we're getting more games DRM free than we thought possible at one stage and AS A BONUS we're getting some new indie games DRM free too... yeah really lost their focus.

Perhaps you haven't noticed their increased staff count? You know the one that means they could potentially have 2 different staffs working on different areas (like old games and indie games) so you know they have more focus available (sure the whole company isn't focused anymore but that DOESN'T mean they are less focused unless you can prove less staff are now trying to get old games...)

As for the sites name looking back at the site it's never technically been "Good Old Games" at least legally even back in 2008 it's just or in the legal stuff.

Hed I like you man but these rants are getting old.
wodmarach: Hed I like you man but these rants are getting old.
I'd recommend you buy a dictionary because rant and focus don't mean what you think they mean. I have better things to do with my time than argue with folks as stubborn as the ones I'm seeing in this thread.

I haven't said anything that wasn't true and I've been here long enough to know that the site was originally clearly dedicated to old games. And not ambiguously either. It always irritates me when folks that came here well after the beta period lecture the old timers about what the site is and isn't about. We know what it was about, we've been here for a long time.It gets a bit old being told that no, no it's always been about DRM free games first.

Also, rant, please, just because you refuse to acknowledge that I have a point doesn't make it a rant. It means that you don't want to admit that I'm right.
hedwards: I'd recommend you buy a dictionary because rant and focus don't mean what you think they mean. I have better things to do with my time than argue with folks as stubborn as the ones I'm seeing in this thread.
rant   /rænt/
verb to speak or declaim extravagantly or violently
I'd say you've declaimed extravagantly a few times on the changes to GOG
fo·cus   /ˈfoʊkəs/ noun, plural fo·cus·es,
fo·ci  /-saɪ, -kaɪ/ verb,
fo·cused, fo·cus·ing or ( especially British ) fo·cussed, fo·cus·sing.
a central point, as of attraction, attention, or activity: The need to prevent a nuclear war became the focus of all diplomatic efforts.
hmm a central point of attention, GOG and Old games... sounds about freaking right to me. Maybe it's YOU who should look in the dictionary hed because they meant EXACTLY what I used them for.

Oh and I didn't come here well after beta my old account is still on here somewhere (marach) comes from 2008 it didn't have any games on it and I forgot the password so to talk on here one day I created a new account... or maybe you don't mean the closed beta and you mean the one from before the monks? I was here before that too so shut the hell up about "folks that came here well after the beta period lecture the old timers" or would you like to change that comment?
It's not so much what the OP said, but how he said it, that got him criticised.
Problem with the whole "focus" argument is that those who claim that they cannot produce any specific examples of GOG release of Old Games having suffered because of the decision to offer Indie games. It is worrying about something that has not happened and may never happened. It is all abstract with no concrete evidence.
If I lost all logic, I could blame the recent screw up with the Tomb Raider release having major problems for many players as being a result of them losing their focus on old games. But logic states that even in "The GOlden Age of GOG" they would mess up the occasional release (once again I Site Interstate 76 and Outcast as two games that had very buggy releases.) .
dudalb: It's not so much what the OP said, but how he said it, that got him criticised.
Problem with the whole "focus" argument is that those who claim that they cannot produce any specific examples of GOG release of Old Games having suffered because of the decision to offer Indie games. It is worrying about something that has not happened and may never happened. It is all abstract with no concrete evidence.
If I lost all logic, I could blame the recent screw up with the Tomb Raider release having major problems for many players as being a result of them losing their focus on old games. But logic states that even in "The GOlden Age of GOG" they would mess up the occasional release (once again I Site Interstate 76 and Outcast as two games that had very buggy releases.) .
Speaking of recent releases, Silver is quite buggy also.

Just sayin'....