himselfe: I don't use (L)GPLed code in any projects I work on, and have no intention or need for doing so. Like much of what is produced by the GNU, code written by people who use the GPL to license their code tends to be of poor quality, and unsurprisingly full of unnecessary complexity. In case you hadn't figured it out yet, I'm a fan of the KISS principle, and I very much interpret the lass 'S' to stand for stupid.
Given that the vast majority of all code lacks quality, including stuff that doesn't include any GPLed code, and given that there's plenty of high quality GPL projects I'm not sure why it follows that the GPL causes poor quality code. That seems like a case of confirmation bias to me. Lots of code is absolute shit, it sounds like you code a lot, I'm sure you're no stranger to said aggravation.
himselfe: I don't use (L)GPLed code in any projects I work on, and have no intention or need for doing so. Like much of what is produced by the GNU, code written by people who use the GPL to license their code tends to be of poor quality, and unsurprisingly full of unnecessary complexity. In case you hadn't figured it out yet, I'm a fan of the KISS principle, and I very much interpret the lass 'S' to stand for stupid.
I didn't say you did or even should. My statement applied to all FOSS licenses, if one cannot comply one simply shouldn't use it. When I previously used the term "you" I meant the inclusive "you" (seriously, fuck the English language for this ambiguity) and not you, personally. I've restated it with "one" instead of "you" to be more clear.
himselfe: Part of the restrictions applied by the GPL is on what GPLed code can be attached to. For example, GPL licensed code can not be distributed with code licensed with certain versions of the BSD license, or any proprietary code. I'm not talking about derivative code here, I'm talking about separate code that constitutes a part of a larger program.
How does that affect me? It doesn't. What drove the last nail in the coffin for the GPL for me, was when the GPL was used to effectively kill a project that created Linux LiveCDs to allow people to test and experience 'desktop composition'. The project was a simple project that packaged Gentoo Linux, with a pre-built desktop environment with composition enabled, and nVidia & ATi's own accelerated drivers, on a LiveCD. The person behind the project was told he could not distribute Linux LiveCDs with nVidia or ATi drivers because the drivers contained proprietary code and this violated the GPL. This wasn't a project that was stealing GPL licensed source code, or using GPL licensed source code for profit. It was a project that intended to show people the power of Linux, and the advanced features that were being developed for the desktop environment, and it was effectively shut down because the author did not want to violate the GPL. Had the Linux kernel been licensed in a more permissive license, this issue would have never existed.
Ah, finally a good reason. You were trying to do something cool/good and I can see how that would be terribly frustrating. Yes, at this level you have to know quite a bit about how the Linux kernel operates and how drivers get used to properly comply with the GPL. Here's kind of a gold standard for beginning to understand this (if you even want to, or for others that do):
http://kerneltrap.org/node/1735 Having said that there are various ways to get around this and to be clear, a program interacting with Linux or other GPLed code using normal, system calls (or via pipes, sockets, exposed services, etc.) is NOT a derived work. However if a non-compatibly licensed component somehow operates in the same executable (compiled into one program) it is. If it runs in the same memory space it may or may not be, with a strong dose of "probably", though some kernel modules are so ignorant of anything to with Linux that they are not considered a derivative work.
All of this is fairly confusing and, frankly, is about the worst the GPL has been able to serve up over the years, (imo at least). However, deploying an application on Linux doesn't make it a derivative work and many people do that every day without having any huge headaches. People writing applications that are so low level that they are "intertwined" with the kernel clearly are, and since they're benefiting, should they wish to redistribute, should consider themselves beholden to the terms of the GPL.
But to put it in perspective, you didn't get screwed just because you were using the GPL, you got screwed because you were using the GPL and incompatible licenses, you didn't create either of these core components and you're pretty much stuck adhering to the licenses of their respective copyright holders at that point.
Don't get me wrong, I'd trade the GPL in a heartbeat for the complete abolition of all copyright. In the meantime, the GPL is a good compromise.
himselfe: The GPL has nothing to do with promoting freedom, it is simply Richard Stallman's anti-thesis to proprietary software, and like its proprietary counterparts, it has enough restrictions to enable abuse.
It has everything to do with freedom, you're simply valuing the freedom of the individual over the freedom of everyone. That's only one kind of freedom in software. The GPL isn't as concerned with making sure any individual can do whatever they want, its concerned with maintaining the maximum amount of freedom possible for everyone involved and that is tricky indeed. How do you maintain the same freedom for downstream users when upstream users are free to benefit while locking everyone out of of it.
At any rate, not all my projects are GPLed (most are Apache-style) but I'm still glad for the GPL, we wouldn't have nearly the toys and great stuff we have today with the culture it fostered. Yeah, growing pains and some dickheads, you'd have to be dense to argue otherwise, to me it was well worth it and will likely continue to be so for a long time to come.
himselfe: Don't confuse copyleft with UNIX, or UNIX with copyleft, or copyleft with open source, or open source with copyleft. Open source UNIX and UNIX like operating systems and software would exist and have existed without the copyleft movement. UNIX would also exist without open source. I can thank UNIX for a large portion of what we call the internet today, and much of the technology we reply on today, and I can thank Bell Labs for UNIX, and the multitude of contributors for software that runs on *nix platforms.
Oh come on, other *nix did exist but the work the galvanized the structure of the internet for the past 2 decades has been overwhelmingly GPL based. It's mere mental masturbation to debate whether BSD licensed stuff (or any other licensed stuff) would have stepped up to the plate without it. We simply don't know. We do know that the GPL did galvanize those folks into action and it did provide the overwhelming majority of what we see today.