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Too many to count. I have probably not bought more than ten games with DRM in all these years.
I still buy some games on consoles if I feel I am actually getting the game, but for the most part I buy DRM free on GOG or nothing. I have been bitten by DRM to many times, as a paying customer, that I refuse to give any money to DRM platforms like STEAM, GFWL, Uplay, and Origins. There are plenty of games out there that I would buy, already have a decent size of GOG's catalog, even if not on sale. Was in the store the other day and saw all the elder scrolls games in one and was about to buy it till I saw the STEAM activation on the back. I want to buy games, not rent them at absurd prices. There is certainly DRM out there that isn't that much of a hassle, but if you let it slide then they keep thinking it is ok to screw you, the paying customer, over while the pirate is having fun playing the game with no problems. Due to the issues with consoles moving further in the DRM direction I am almost ready to stop giving them my money and move to PC gaming only, even though I started out as a console gamer, and usually prefer gaming on them. So in the end how many games haven't I bought due to DRM? Well how big is Steams catalog, because I like many different kinds of games, and while some would only be bought due to sales(as they just aren't what I really want to play, or are regarded as bad games), I would over time more than likely purchase the whole dam thing if it didn't have DRM.
Post edited June 27, 2014 by soulroar
I own over half of the GOG catalog and within a year I imagine I'll own 95% of it. I won't buy anything anywhere else.

I know I'm in the minority here, but to the developers and publishers of games that utilize DRM: I won't pirate your games. I just won't play them. You don't really exist to me until you publish DRM-free on GOG.
Might & Magic X

Would love to play it. The ball is in Ubisoft's court whether they remove UPlay or not. Not buying it until it's stripped.
Online only/always online and non serial number validated games.
Dralel: Online only/always online and non serial number validated games.
Same here and the same goes for Far Cry 3. Oh well, I guess they don't need the money.
For a year now, maybe more, I've only purchased DRM free games. Either here on GOG, directly from a developers website, or a bundle.

The only exceptions would be console games or if something was included in a bundle that had other DRM-free games I wanted.
Any game with "Tages" or "always online".
Child of Light. UbiSoft's stubborn stance is infuriating.
DRM-free is king! Long live the king!

But when it comes to the impersonators for gaming experiences.
I can live with, but do not like CD Checks, codes for off line activation. Those I will happily buy for a fair price.

DRM, well I do not buy anything with limited installs, or is on Ubi's Origin, EA randomware, RockstarSocial, so I am missing out on Far Cry 3, Dead Space 2-3 and Assassins Creed 2->, GTA 4, off the top of my head.
If they came here they could all easily get themselves $15 - $20 from me alone.

Steam I get in bundles. Oh boy do Steam games hit the bundles. So, I have become far more willing to accept them as a rental service. I had to do something with the 500+ codes I had gained from IR, HB and Groupees, especially when it was a game I am actually interested in.
I pay .99c - $3 for a game or bundle and I download them ASAP. Then I just turn Steam back into offline and wait to get around to the game.
I will not pay more then £5 for a game that I need to activate on Steam (and quite rudely I do not buy from Steam direct at all) and that includes those "Big" budget releases. Hell I got Tomb Raider 2013 a year late for under £5 including 3 other games and then was basically offered Deus Ex HR with Invisible War for £5. It just goes to show that "Big" budget games really are struggling in this stupidly DRM filled wasteland.

ONLINE activations get my goat as they cause all sorts of problems. In these cases I would rather wait for it to be in a Steam bundle, or I get it on CD with a CD key and check.

SecurRom breaks games so it is unacceptable as is Tages, GFWL and any other malware dressed as "protection".
In fact the two GFWL games I have I was in fact given when their owner bough them on the PS3 because it was easier to play them. I just got "fixes".

Then there is my worst offender. ALWAYS online. I only play single player, so why the BLEEP should I need to be online with a system punching holes in my firewall to play the game? Especially when console players can play the sodding things offline.
Looking at Blizzard with Diablo 3. It might be a pile of cancerous gunk on the otherwise wonderful series, but at least give me the choice to experience that offline if I wish.
I'll not glance at previous posts before this, but I know it's probably a repeat...

Diablo 3
Starcraft 2
Skyrim (Was gifted to me though :(... DRM makes it unplayable without steam )
Sim City (the new one, got a gift code and gave that away)
XBLA games
Steam-only games...

MadyNora: The most notable game I refused to buy was Assassin's Creed 2. The "always-on even for single player" DRM felt like a huge middle finger. It felt like if I was told: "You don't have a normal internet on your gaming pc? Then f*k off, this game is for the rich people only, with stable internet 24/7, not for the likes of you."
I've called the XBone a rich kid's club and refuse to get it even after they've reversed the policies on their always on/daily checks for the games.

A huge middle finger to gamers who don't want to comply... wonder how long before the middle finger is returned a few billion times in the form of lost sales....
Post edited July 02, 2014 by rtcvb32
TDP: I've stopped buying anything on the Steam DRM platform. Fuck Steam the walled-garden DRM platform.

DRM free, and I won't back down.
Ditto, I've left steam behind too... Maybe I should contact them and ask for a refund on all my games (Except for Dungeons of Dredmore since that's actually plays without steam present)
Gearmos: Any game with "Tages" or "always online".
Pretty much my story, plus SecuROM.
inc09nito: In Diablo 3, they at least won against piracy (at the cost of heavily crippling their game).
But steam crap in Skyrim isn't justified in anyway.
You can't edit, hack, mod, or do anything with D3. Even texture replacements isn't allowed. And it looks like WoW in my opinion.

Compare this to D2, specifically Zy-El mod, and the expansion to the game in complexity, fun, secrets, and infinite inventory made it astounding and beyond measure, only limited by it's own programming limitations. Zy-El makes D3 look seriously inferior.
darkwolf777: Reading some of the earlier posts, let's be clear: Steam is not DRM, Steam is a game launch client. Steamworks is Valve's DRM they've developed that developers are free to use, but they are not required to use. Many indie games, especially ones DRM free elsewhere (like here or Humble Bundle) do not include the Steamworks DRM even though you activate the game on Steam.
Yet there are so many games (like Skyrim) where if you try to load the game without steam it chokes and refuses... and worse is if you didn't actively download it to that computer through steam it won't run either.

I've managed to bypass steam and get a game running without the client before, but then the game (in quesiton, HOARD as I recall) comes up as a 'demo' version...
Post edited July 02, 2014 by rtcvb32
Only some of them...

Diablo 3
Thief 4
Borderlands 2
Assassin's Creed (finally got it when it showed up here)
Strider (2014)
South Park: Stick of Truth
Darksiders 2
Saints Row 4
XCom (2012)