Klumpen0815: I agree.
The upside of this is, that I don't have even more games to choose from while my backlog is growing every week even with DRM-free games only.
It's like with veganism and food: When the choices are just too many, it's nice to be able to run another filter over it.
I buy DRM-free and vegan only and still can't decide between all those choices modern life gives me. ^^°
Indeed, there are literally hundreds of games I own and hundreds more I want. I have a huge backlog I haven't played yet, and I'll keep accumulating more because well... I can, and I want to. But, because I own a tonne already I don't NEED to buy any more. Rather, I choose to and so I have the luxury of setting the conditions in which I'm willing to pay money for my games, and if I decide not to buy one - I might do without the experience of that one game, but I certainly do not do without an amazing gaming experience because for every one game with shitty DRM, there are dozens of others with very light DRM or no DRM at all just waiting for my money and time and they'll satisfy my cravings just fine. ;o)
I just spent 10 hours the other night playing Goat Simulator. I'll probably play it for another 10 or 20 or 50 who knows. There are infinite games essentially for enjoying the passage of time out there, and hell... if I lost my Internet connection tomorrow I could probably play the games I have sitting on my hard disks right now for the next 30 years and never get bored. The gaming industry needs to impress me and make me want to give them more of my money. GOG's business model has convinced me to do so, as have some of the bundle sites and super deep discounts, but for the big buck games out there, no way in hell do I fork out $60 to be treated like a pirate or criminal with crazy ass nasty DRM. DRM that the pirates strip out the first day the game is released anyway and upload to pirate sites, but the paying customer has to suffer with.
Nope, no thanks for me! The only way EA or Ubisoft or WB or Rockstar gets a dime of my money, is if they get any part of the revenue from my GOG game purchases, or if I win a game in a giveaway or similar that someone happened to pay money for at some point, and then that's not my money but someone else's. ;o)