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Starcraft 2
Starmaker: All of them. I will never ever pay for a copy of a game, fullstop. I pay for the service.
Klumpen0815: From what do you think game developers should live while making great games if nobody should pay them?
It's either starve or do something else if one follows a pirates way of life. There are no great games anymore then.
Service. Subscriptions. Preorders. Ransom. Let's see, what else? Oh holy shit, I have this splendid idea! Why not upload their games to a distribution system and let them charge a set price for access to the games and supporting the community and get an agreed-upon percentage of that price? Man it would be splendid if such a thing were possible.

Now, a separate issue is that people here are mostly clamoring for OLD GAEMZ - you see "bawwww no classics this week im gonna cut myself and cry" but you don't see "screw this moldy shit, where's today's newest and hottest game" in the release threads. And the money you pay for old games in the overwhelming majority of cases doesn't fund future development at all; instead, it goes to people who look like the lemonparty guys to fund the next lemonparty. I despise these people and I think any money going to them at all is an injustice. However, I happen to think the economic benefit I get from the rest of the money (minus fees) going to GOG (which is: this site being online, saving my time, and providing entertainment) outweighs the negative consequences of lemonparties existing and pushing their agenda.
I don't mind unobtrusive DRM, but stuff like StarForce is unacceptable.

Activation limits scare me too. I also studiously avoid music stuff from IK Multimedia because of the same nonsense.

At first, Red Alert 3, until that was fixed and I could get it on Steam. Same for GTR2 which I think was the same.. Totally avoided Trackmania because of StarForce.
None. DRM isn't that big of a deal to me. I play games that are good and interesting to me, no matter the service. My enjoyment of this hobby is better for it.
pi4t: Mount and Blade isn't Steam exclusive...
It uses its own online activation system which is why I boycotted it - and that website you link to still states: "Internet Connection required for multiplayer and Online Activation" under System Requirements.
Considering how much I play them now, I am super happy I bought Spelunky and FTL Drm free.

I want to continue playing those games for a long time. I'm happy that I own them outright.
pi4t: Mount and Blade isn't Steam exclusive...
AstralWanderer: It uses its own online activation system which is why I boycotted it - and that website you link to still states: "Internet Connection required for multiplayer and Online Activation" under System Requirements.
Fair enough. I was just informing you that the DRM isn't as strong as Steam's, so you might have considered it a possiblity. It's one of those "single activation" systems, and as far as I can tell if you copied the program onto another computer you wouldn't have to reactivate it. Don't quote me on that last party, though, I haven't tested it.
I don't buy anything that has drm on it. Missed Yoomurjak's Ring, Testament of Sherlock Holmes and many others because of that.
Instead of telling what I not bought, let me tell you what I bought and after that I stopped buying games with drm at all.

I bought a dvd version of racedriver grid, installed it and made me ready to play - weekend, much time, awesome.

The first thing which I encountered when starting the game was the game asking for the original dvd, which was in the dvd drive. After hours of looking for a solution I found a thread which suggested to install a crack, which I did to play the game. Later I decided that this is insane, to buy a game and install a cracked .exe to play it.

I spare you the story of getting secuRom off my PC which basically ended with installing a new Windows XP.

After that everything where I thought, great, that would I like to play, I did not buy, when the game was protected with any DRM measure.
Post edited April 10, 2014 by MaGo72
Great thread idea! Here are some games that I would have bought on release day and spent as much as $50-60 or more on except I intentionally did not because they contain one or more forms of what I consider to be draconian DRM which harms my experience as a paying customer.

Every single Tom Clancy game released by Ubisoft after Ghost Recon Warfighter 2, including Ghost Recon Future Soldier and anything else in the series since, HAWX, HAWX2, Endwar, and all Splinter Cell titles after Double Agent.

Just about any/every big AAA game released by EA or Ubisoft to mass appeal since 2008 or so. I am a junkie for AAA games and would have bought just about all big huge blockbusters and a number of not as big ones as well, and then went and bought all their expansions and other crap too, and possibly the battle-chest type reissues essentially buying another copy of them over time.

I'd have bought most of Rockstar's non-GTA games. I own all the GTA games and unknown to me some are DRM laden and I've done my research and they have many games I want but absolutely wont buy because they contain DRM. Pity. Sadly, that almost certainly includes Grand Theft Auto 5 which hasn't come out yet. I'd really love to play that game as it looks amazing... but I wont ever buy it unless it is DRM-free on or Shinyloot or somewhere else DRM-free.

The Battlefield games, Call of Duty games, tonnes of blockbusters.

Blizzard's Starcraft 2 and Diablo III - wont touch. I'm an avid Blizzard fan and bought many copies of their original games up to Warcraft III and their expansion packs. I wasn't into Warcraft III and the MMO model with monthly paid subscriptions so I skipped that game, but have all of their games before WoW. Starcraft II and Diablo III DRM and mandatory online features/whatever turn me off bigtime and I just don't trust Blizzard to be a consumer friendly company anymore. I love the look and feel of their games and would love more than anything to play them, but well.. not more than I love my money sitting in my wallet. If they put these games out DRM-free and free them up from requiring mandatory use of their online servers in the future, my wallet will fall open hemorrhaging cash to buy one if not 2 or 3 copies of their games (for online and/or LAN multiplayer).

Warner Brothers games and any company that uses GFWL copy protection in the past and refuses to patch it out of their games when GFWL gets shut down this year are off my list also. So Batman Arkham Origins and its expansion and future titles are off my purchase list due to DRM problems from Warner Brothers games (such as Mortal Kombat).

There are countless other games I could mention, but they're mostly from the big name companies mentioned above or others that are nearly as large (Bethesda for example). If a game has shown up in Steam's top 20 or 30 top played games stats page (which I check at least once a week), chances are if it is an interesting game to me in a genre I like, it's either one I own or have on my wishlist, and if it's on my wishlist it's one I'd like to own but if it has draconian DRM it's one I'll never buy.

There are probably 100-150 or more AAA or AA games I would have bought or would buy now if they were DRM free or at least did not have draconian consumer non-friendly DRM. I'm but one voice speaking, but I know for a fact that at least 5 of my gamer friends feel exactly the same and have not bought anything from EA, Ubisoft and some other companies in 5 or 6 or more years for the same reason. There are literally thousands of other games on the market without such restrictions or with far less restrictions and often at far lower prices to boot, that we're able to find tonnes of fun games to play even if we skip the various AAA DRM-laden ones we'd actually like to play but choose not to support due to the bad choices those companies make towards their customers.
Speaking of GTA, Rockstar would make a killing if they released

Grand Theft Auto
Grand Theft Auto 2
Grand Theft Auto 3
Grand Theft Auto Vice City
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
Max Payne
Max Payne 2

Sell them all for 10 dollars each, and bundle 1 and 2 together and it would sell a TON
DRM often stops me buying a game, but not because of any ideological protest on my part, but because it stops the game being suitable for my needs.

And my needs are not all that unreasonable..... i just want to be able to install and multiplay on more than one PC in the same household, that's all.

Historically, there was a time when most PC games would allow the above and some even came with a special game install called a 'multiplayer spawn' specifically for that purpose, ,,, it all went the way of the Dodo.

Edit: i think the last game i was able to find which allowed it was Dungeonsiege2 and at some point after that i simply gave up even bothering looking at new games.... it has been a number of years now!
Post edited April 11, 2014 by mystikmind2000
The games that actually made me aware of DRM being wrong, rather than a mere annoyance, were Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age 1. So the ones I didn't buy at all because of their DRM were Mass Effect 3, Dragon Age 2, Skyrim, Starcraft 2, Silent Hunter V, the recent Assessin's creed titles, Hearts of Iron IV , Europa Universalis IV, and now GalCiv III. Probably quite a few others as well.

For other games, I waited till their price had been sharply reduces / till they were on a 75% sale : Total War Empire, Napoleon, Shogun II , or till a drm free version was released, : Risen 1 & 2
Anything requiring Uplay is out. Anno 2070 is a sad example, even games such as From Dust that I bought on steam not realizing it required Uplay, and never played once I realized.

I don't have an origin account either, but I might still give it a try if EA releases a good enough game. Which I doubt.
skeletonbow: Great thread idea! Here are some games that I would have bought on release day and spent as much as $50-60 or more on except I intentionally did not because they contain one or more forms of what I consider to be draconian DRM which harms my experience as a paying customer.

Every single Tom Clancy game released by Ubisoft after Ghost Recon Warfighter 2, including Ghost Recon Future Soldier and anything else in the series since, HAWX, HAWX2, Endwar, and all Splinter Cell titles after Double Agent.

Just about any/every big AAA game released by EA or Ubisoft to mass appeal since 2008 or so. I am a junkie for AAA games and would have bought just about all big huge blockbusters and a number of not as big ones as well, and then went and bought all their expansions and other crap too, and possibly the battle-chest type reissues essentially buying another copy of them over time.

I'd have bought most of Rockstar's non-GTA games. I own all the GTA games and unknown to me some are DRM laden and I've done my research and they have many games I want but absolutely wont buy because they contain DRM. Pity. Sadly, that almost certainly includes Grand Theft Auto 5 which hasn't come out yet. I'd really love to play that game as it looks amazing... but I wont ever buy it unless it is DRM-free on or Shinyloot or somewhere else DRM-free.

The Battlefield games, Call of Duty games, tonnes of blockbusters.

Blizzard's Starcraft 2 and Diablo III - wont touch. I'm an avid Blizzard fan and bought many copies of their original games up to Warcraft III and their expansion packs. I wasn't into Warcraft III and the MMO model with monthly paid subscriptions so I skipped that game, but have all of their games before WoW. Starcraft II and Diablo III DRM and mandatory online features/whatever turn me off bigtime and I just don't trust Blizzard to be a consumer friendly company anymore. I love the look and feel of their games and would love more than anything to play them, but well.. not more than I love my money sitting in my wallet. If they put these games out DRM-free and free them up from requiring mandatory use of their online servers in the future, my wallet will fall open hemorrhaging cash to buy one if not 2 or 3 copies of their games (for online and/or LAN multiplayer).

Warner Brothers games and any company that uses GFWL copy protection in the past and refuses to patch it out of their games when GFWL gets shut down this year are off my list also. So Batman Arkham Origins and its expansion and future titles are off my purchase list due to DRM problems from Warner Brothers games (such as Mortal Kombat).

There are countless other games I could mention, but they're mostly from the big name companies mentioned above or others that are nearly as large (Bethesda for example). If a game has shown up in Steam's top 20 or 30 top played games stats page (which I check at least once a week), chances are if it is an interesting game to me in a genre I like, it's either one I own or have on my wishlist, and if it's on my wishlist it's one I'd like to own but if it has draconian DRM it's one I'll never buy.

There are probably 100-150 or more AAA or AA games I would have bought or would buy now if they were DRM free or at least did not have draconian consumer non-friendly DRM. I'm but one voice speaking, but I know for a fact that at least 5 of my gamer friends feel exactly the same and have not bought anything from EA, Ubisoft and some other companies in 5 or 6 or more years for the same reason. There are literally thousands of other games on the market without such restrictions or with far less restrictions and often at far lower prices to boot, that we're able to find tonnes of fun games to play even if we skip the various AAA DRM-laden ones we'd actually like to play but choose not to support due to the bad choices those companies make towards their customers.
I agree.

The upside of this is, that I don't have even more games to choose from while my backlog is growing every week even with DRM-free games only.
It's like with veganism and food: When the choices are just too many, it's nice to be able to run another filter over it.

I buy DRM-free and vegan only and still can't decide between all those choices modern life gives me. ^^°