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With sales being thrown left and right for the past couple of years, I'm wondering what games have you actually bought at full price?

- I bought my very first game Warcraft 3 at full price, one of two games I've ever bought in retail.
- Diablo 3 (my second retail game) was purchased around a week after launch at full retail price, after being pressured by friends who also bought it. Shit, was that a big mistake.

And... well, I have quite a bit of games. Not a whole lot, not a whole not lot, but I only remember buying 2 games at full price.
A whole bunch. This year only Dragon's Dogma though.
Profanity: With sales being thrown left and right for the past couple of years, I'm wondering what games have you actually bought at full price?

- I bought my very first game Warcraft 3 at full price, one of two games I've ever bought in retail.
- Diablo 3 (my second retail game) was purchased around a week after launch at full retail price, after being pressured by friends who also bought it. Shit, was that a big mistake.

And... well, I have quite a bit of games. Not a whole lot, not a whole not lot, but I only remember buying 2 games at full price.
Going how far back? I remember buying Elite at full price back in the day (CPC464 version) and a crap ton of D&D gold box stuff and thats just the 80's...
Bought Guild Wars 2 from my local Game shop a couple month ago. It was still cheaper than the version from the Arenanet store!
Feel free to go back as far as you want. How much did games cost before the 90s, by the way? Actually, I don't even know how much did they cost in the 90s.
Last one was Dork Souls.

Ah yes, and Uncharted 3 as well.
Post edited January 12, 2013 by retsuseiba
Actually, I don't think I've ever bought a game for full price. I'm not planning on changing this either. :D
Guild Wars 2 x2
Sniper Elite V2 (god...)
Far Cry 3
Heavy Rain
Uncharted 3
X-Com (the new one)
Crusader Kings 2 (one of my few pre-orders)

Those I remember from the top of my head. I'm sure there's more, though.
Not counting preorder discounts I guess Orcs Must Die, XCOM, Jagged Alliance Back in Action, Battlefield 3, Dead Island .... probably more but I can't remember
The last full priced game I bought was TW2 I think, but it was a pre-order.
From way back: Last Ninja 2 and Last Ninja 3 for the c64, Wizardry 5,6 and 7, Might and Magic 4 and 5, Day of the tentacle, Ultima 7, Doom, Final Fantasy 6

Now..Mortal Kombat
Dawn of war 2
Blood Bowl Legendary edition
Various games on GOG, while not on discount, but I wouldn't call that full price either!
Ooh, good question.

I paid full price for Dwarf Fortress :)

Leaving that aside, I don't think I've bought too many for full price. I tend to get them on discount or ask for them for birthday/Christmas presents.

The latest game I got for full price was probably Talisman: Prologue. It's strange, because there are a lot of issues with that game, but I haven't regretted paying for it. Perhaps it's because I've never played it as a board game, so didn't have expectations that were dashed.

Other than that, I may have got Magicka without discount, but I don't think there's been anything else.
Not very many over the past couple years. These are the only ones that come to mind:

Alice: Madness Returns -The Complete Collection
Dragon Age 2
The Witcher 2
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within, Dawn of War 2 and TES IV: Oblivion I believe.

Oh, we're not talking retail only... There's loads then :-P
Post edited January 12, 2013 by Fenixp