michaelleung: Yeah, it's a pretty big map so I guess I could suffocate someone with it. Not entirely sure though, it's my second week on the job and there's only two of us in the office.
Miaghstir: I'd guess you also have to use the 50-year-old agency-owned bike (that's running on the rims since it lost its tires a few decades ago) in the rare case of you need to get anywhere (like buying another pack of coffee)?
How do you know all this?! It's supposed to be secret!
michaelleung: I'm a spy for the Fijian Inteliigence Agency. Right now we're working on assassinating the new leader of North Korea but because we're a small island nation, all I'm allowed to use as weapons is a toothpick and a 1980 map of the world
FraterPerdurabo: At least the map should still be pretty accurate as far as North Korea goes! In fact, you could probably use one from the 19th Century.
We tried using a 19th century map to get into the Kashmir region, thinking it was India but it turned out it wasn't and we got shot at. Note to boss: must acquire firearms