I live in Hong Kong, one of the best cities in the world to get broadband cheap, so here's what I've got:
Netvigator[/url] 8MBPS $398 per month (around US$49 a month). But we're looking at fibre-optic broadband, 100MBPS for around $500 a month. We don't have bandwidth caps, and we don't have our bandwidth throttled whenever we download stuff from BitTorrent (which is all the time).
Netvigator throws in an IPTV service deal, giving me two for-pay channels (I chose Discovery Channel and TV5MONDE) as well as a bunch of free channels (I also found a glitch that lets me watch HBO for free... shhh).
For phone, long distance calls here to most places are around HK 25 cents a minute, and around 15 cents a minute for local calls. I'm not sure about the provider, I'm not the person who pays for it. As for my mobile provider, I use a 3 HK phone, which is like 3 in the UK/AU, only even better.