muun: I'm wondering what people who like GoG think about Steam. I sort of want to play Civ V and Shogun II, and maybe I'll want to play Skyrim once the price enters reality. I am put off by a lot of what I read about Steam though. There's definitely two camps -- folks love it and folks hate it. I don't want to start a flame war; but since liking GoG is a reasonable attitude, I thought I might get some reasonable opinions here re Steam. So what do you think?
Ugh. The forums are REALLY slow today. The Intertubes must be flooded.
If you accept that Steam is essentially an always-on DRM scheme and that you rent the content and they can pull it at any time for any reason, then there's nothing wrong with Steam.
They can pull your content, but they don't unless you're cheating. The reason they say "for any reason" is because cheaters and hackers love to say they don't cheat and hack. That leaves Steam with the ability to say "too bad."
Personally, I don't like Steam, but I use it. They have crazy good deals which are becoming less and less common as Valve earns more money from Steam, but they still happen pretty regularly. For example, I spent a total of $12 on the Thanksgiving sale so far, and I have a full AAA game that will give me at minimum 10 hours of enjoyment, and all the DLC I was missing for Fallout NV, which will give me another 6-10 hours of enjoyment. Compare that cost to movie tickets - $8 for 90 minutes these days. You do the math.
Steam is not inherently evil, but it is most definitely DRM. If you're prepared to rent your purchases and just buy stuff when it's crazy cheap, Steam isn't bad. If you're hardcore and want to buy Modern Warfare 20: Old Snipers Eat Prunes, on release day, and pay the $60 for it, then no, I don't recommend it.
Also keep in mind a lot of games you can rent on steam you can actually own from other digital distribution sites for minimal differences in price. For example, I rebought The Witcher tonight off GOG and I feel like I actually own it, for 3 dollars more than Steam's sale price where it would be a longterm rental.
Be a smart consumer. If there's some crazy deal and the game you've been waiting for since launch to drop down to $5 is $5, it's a safe bet that Steam's servers aren't going down next week and you'll be able to enjoy the game at your leisure. Paying $60 for Skyrim? No ty, I'll wait till the spring sale when it + all its dlc is probably going to be on sale for $15 similar to Fallout New Vegas today, this very second. Impulse buying has almost killed our hobby, so that's why so many on here hate Steam. It promotes it.