Telika: Oh, also I miss comic book artists that didn't use copy-paste instead of drawing the same "immobile" person twice (and who would actually consider it embarrasingly lame). I miss them a lot.
I just miss comic books that didn't suck and publishers that didn't expect me to buy 47 different books a month to get the one or two pages essential to the newest event that promises "things will never be the same again" just to go back to the status quo in six months.
Also in comics, I miss the old coloring and cheap paper they used. You can't get anything like the Kirby Crackle using todays methods.
Dammit, I miss Jim Shooter. Comics depress me now.
Thunderstone: Stealing from TinyE with my own addition
What? You don't like knowing EVERYONE'S every thought, breath, meal, relationship status and musical playlist at every waking moment?