Maighstir: Pre-digital... that's before data was encoded into binary signals (which, then, may or may not have been re-transferd onto analogue media), is it?
I know data was digitalized long before digital distribution, but the title "what do you miss from when computer disks were on floppys and cd's, but before they were digitally distributed?" just wasn't short enough. :p
Also, I figured I could leave it a bit open for interpretation.
fr33kSh0w2012: I miss games that had no STUPID ACHIEVEMENTS to unlock where getting through the game was an ACHIEVEMENT all by itself!
Ahhh, The Walking Dead comes to mind, the only game where I ever unlocked 100% of the achievements, simply because you got them for completing the game, and it had no achievements that required you to go out of your way.
ma5terbob: (now i feel like a nerd)
That's alright, you're among friends here! :D
Briareos262: The C64 was a great way to learn typing as a kid ^_^
It's not quite the same, but English is a second language for me, and I remember learning lots of glossary and spelling through games like the Quest for Glory series and Monkey Island and similar games. You just had to learn the language if you wanted to finish the game, how else were you to understand what was happening?
JudasIscariot: gaming as an outcast's hobby without the politics and agendas that people try to inject into it these days
Also not quite the same, but I absolutely hate how social gaming has become. Gaming was always a solitary experience for me, where the point was to get away from reality and immerse myself in these elaborate, amazing worlds that were there for me to enjoy and explore, and the idea of sharing those experiences with idiots online who throw out "yo momma" jokes all the time just sounds awful. The only person I'll play MP with is the one buddy I ever had as a kid who was also as into computer games as I was and am, and we only ever play through LAN and never invite others into our sessions.
Uh, I didn't only ever have one buddy. But only one of my friends was ever as into gaming as I was. :p