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A thread where you simply post what you got during the sale from GOG, and why you got it ( if you want ).

I ended up getting a decent amount of games, mainly from my wishlist.

Divinity 2 Developers cut
Thief 1 + 2

Fallout Bundle - which ended up being free! Thanks GoG!
Arma 2 - mainly to see what the hype was about. I absolutely love the editor.
Freespace 2 - I love Sci-fi games, so I just wanted to pick this up to try it.
Guacamelee - Fun and challenging game. A blue suggested it to me, and I definitely don't regret it. Wish my dad liked it
American Conquest - I love the idea of thousands of troops on the map. I love rts games and I love seeing a lot of death ( I'm not sadistic, I promise ).
Overlord + Rising Hell - I played the demo of this on the xbox when it came out and absolutely loved it, but never got around to buying it. Just found it here and it was a instant purchase.
Post edited December 28, 2013 by elendiel7
ive got quite a bunch of games from my wishlist aswell:

Etherlords 1 + 2
The Nations Gold edition
Alien Nations
The Guild Gold Edition
Space Colony HD
Uplink Hacker Elite
Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich
Bought for myself:
Deadly Premonition (Probably the game I wanted most)
The Pit Gold

Bought as gifts:
Escape Goat

I had intended to get the Fallout games right before they vanished if there was a good deal on them. Can't beat free for good.
Missed out on the free Fallout thing, but seeing as I own number 1, and have yet to finish it, I put 2 on hold. Picked up these titles instead.

Deus Ex GOTY (Have it on Steam, but never beat it, and I'm tired of steam... so...)

Thief 2 (Playing Deus Ex reminded me how much I love stealth games, and the flash sale was on Thief... so I grabbed the second. Might grab the first .. who knows?)

Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic (The primary reason why I'm not overly concerned about Fallout. This game has sucked me in even worse then Civilization! Fantastic 4x game with magic. FORWARD MY DWARVEN BESERKERS!)

Master of Orion 2 (Was looking for another space 4x, not sure I like it as much as Galactic Civilizations.)

Quite satisfied with my purchases! Love GOG <3
Post edited December 28, 2013 by OneoftheLost
Games I Wanted
Assassin's Creed
Divinity series
Giana Sisters: Rise of the Owlverlord
Gothic series
Guilty Gear x2 #Reload
Jade Empire
Long Live the Queen
Lords of the Realm: Royal Edition (replacing disks)
Sacred (replacing disks)
Spellforce series
Trine 1 & 2
Valdis Story
Arcanum (replacing disks)
Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
Battle Realms
Shattered Steel (actually wasn't on my wishlist, but looks interesting now that I have it)
Descent series
Terminal Velocity
Aarklash Legacy
Fallout series

Games I Didn't Want But Came Bundled
Aquanox 1-2

Games I Didn't Really Want But Bought Anyway So Maybe GOG Will Stop Trying So Hard To Sell Them To Me
Baldur's Gate 1-2
Icewind Dale 1-2
Planescape: Torment
Neverwinter Nights 1-2
Temple of Elemental Evil
Demon Stone
I didn't buy that much, since I'm a bit limited in terms of money, but here's a list of what I got (mostly out of daily personal "random boxes"), in chronological order:

- Fallout "Farewell Interplay" bundle;
- Anachronox;
- Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee;
- Re-Volt + Race The Sun bundle;
- Lone Survivor;
- The Witcher 2;
- Realms of The Haunting;
- Valdis Story: Abyssal City;
- Machinarium;
- Volgarr The Viking;
- The Chaos Engine;
- Deadly Premonition;


- Guacamelee! (x2);
- Dracula Trilogy;
- Caesar 3;
- Arcanum: Of Steamorks and Magick Obscura;
- Nox;
- Tiny & Big In Grandpa's Leftovers;
- Escape Goat;
I got gonorrhea.

So far ... nothing!

I'll try to get by with the 215 I already have.

That Wing Commander complete pack for $12 is giving me twitches though. We'll see.
Montague's Mount
BloodRayne 2
Lilly Looking Through
Deathtrap Dungeon
Papers, Please
Lords of Midnight, The (too classic to skip)
Wasteland 1 (something nice to replace Fallouts on GOG...)
Retro City Rampage
Surgeon Simulator 2013 (I don't know what got into me when I bought it... :))
Rise of the Triad (2013)
The Night of the Rabbit
Robinson's Requiem Collection
Swapper, The
Carmageddon 2: Carpocalypse Now
Costume Quest
Fallout Tactics
Fallout 2

Jack Orlando
Jack Orlando

Also, nice to see Deadly Premonition finds new homes :)
Maybe you guys and gals can find a place for a lonely Cat Lady too? :)
Post edited December 28, 2013 by Novotnus
tinyE: I got gonorrhea.

Sorry to hear that, gonorrhea is (literally) a pain the butt.

Hope you get better soon, lots of manly love.

Novotnus: Also, nice to see Deadly Premonition finds new homes :)
Maybe you guys and gals can find a place for a lonely Cat Lady too? :)
I've had The Cat Lady for months, now, really great game. Maybe it's a trend, Deadly Premonition and The Cat Lady going hand in hand? :o)
Post edited December 28, 2013 by groze
Gone crazy again :P
Sacrifice (now i have it Licurg)
Shadowgrounds Survivor
RollerCoaster Tycoon 2: Triple Thrill Pack
Last Express, The
Amerzone - The Explorer's Legacy
Myst: Masterpiece Edition
Syberia 2
Tex Murphy: Overseer
Tex Murphy: The Pandora Directive
Tex Murphy: Under a Killing Moon
Humans Must Answer
Swapper, The
BloodRayne 2
Atlantis: The Lost Tales
Giants: Citizen Kabuto
Fantasy Wars
Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation + Chronicles
Blitzkrieg Anthology
Brutal Legend
Gothic 2 Gold Edition
Descent 3 + Expansion
Descent + Descent 2
Shadow Warrior (2013)
Fragile Allegiance
Aarklash: Legacy
Surgeon Simulator 2013
Wing Commander 5: Prophecy Gold Edition
Broken Sword 2: Remastered + The Original Game
Earthworm Jim 1 + 2
Sword of the Stars: The Pit + 2 DLC
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers
Omerta: City of Gangsters (4 DLCs included)
alls of Steel
Creatures Exodus
ealms of Chaos
Lords of Midnight, The
Terminal Velocity
Fist Puncher
Space Empires IV: Deluxe
Race the Sun
Carmageddon 2: Carpocalypse Now
Schnuff: Gone crazy again :P
Just a little :P
Schnuff: Gone crazy again :P
elendiel7: Just a little :P
Thats nothing compared to my summer sale (far over 100).
But hey, i never said i was a sane were is that pumpgun again.
after reading the lists a little i thought it was "Farewell Fallouts" c/o Bethesda

is it actually "Farewell Interplay" ?

do i need to comb through the Interplay titles and get them before years end or was it only the Fallouts that are leaving us (that GOG was awesome enough to hook everybody up with)
ErekoseDM: after reading the lists a little i thought it was "Farewell Fallouts" c/o Bethesda

is it actually "Farewell Interplay" ?

do i need to comb through the Interplay titles and get them before years end or was it only the Fallouts that are leaving us (that GOG was awesome enough to hook everybody up with)
I should have been more clear, it's just "Farewell Fallout via Interplay", all other Interplay titles should stay as they are. Sorry about that!