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Aliasalpha: A fully voiced HD remake would be fine [...]

Redding is teh hard!!!1!!1
Aliasalpha: A fully voiced HD remake would be fine [...]
Gragt: Redding is teh hard!!!1!!1

Ooh its quite another thing that'll be hard if they fully voice Fall From Grace & Annah
Aliasalpha: Ooh its quite another thing that'll be hard if they fully voice Fall From Grace & Annah

You got a point. Allow me to salute you with my monocle.
Post edited July 09, 2009 by Gragt
You can just keep your pants on, thanks
Aliasalpha: You can just keep your pants on, thanks

[Perception] You look troubled. What's the matter?
Aliasalpha: Ooh its quite another thing that'll be hard if they fully voice Fall From Grace & Annah

/Fenixp drolls
All right, I want Planescape: Whatever, RPG with gameplay similar to Torment. Better?
Without hesitation, the Bitmap Brothers. Playing their games on Amiga was a great time (Speedball 2, Chaos Engine, Cadaver, Gods...).
Oh, and also LucasArts in their golden age.
Aliasalpha: Ooh its quite another thing that'll be hard if they fully voice Fall From Grace & Annah
Fenixp: /Fenixp drolls
All right, I want Planescape: Whatever, RPG with gameplay similar to Torment. Better?

How about Planescape: Fall From Grace which is just a 60 hour conversation with Jennifer Hale?
Weird as it sounds, I'd probably buy that just for the novelty value (the wank value would just be an added extra)
Origin, ugh. Mr. Garriott, you make good cookie-err-games!
I'm just waiting for Planescape: Torment 2 - Battle out of Hell.
Poptop. I suppose some of the magic might continue as they were merged in Firaxis, but I still miss the makers of Tropico and Railroad Tycoon 3.
Wishbone: Dreamforge Entertainment, for Sanitarium.

My support for this statement is going to be heavily implied by me smashing on the keyboard in 3...2...1... akdlfjas;oiawj;ifjwe;flajkww;eiowj!!!
This is a positive thing by the way.
As long as that can come to GOG one day, heard too many good things about it to ignore it
Aliasalpha: EA. The real EA who were daring, innovative and imaginative and not this soap opera style actor replacement where he's 20cm shorter and has a completely different voice
Dead Space, Mirror's Edge, Skate.
Of all the major publishers they seem to be putting out the most daring stuff at the moment. I'm not sure what you are talking about.
Yeah that is true, in this last year or 2 they've actually started doing something other than milking established franchises and putting out simplistic overpriced rubbish. Dead Space & Mirrors Edge are 2 of my favourite games over the last few years