Posted December 06, 2013
high rated
CLOSED to new entries.
Seeing all the giveaways and generosity around the forums and being the recipient of some myself, I've decided to give away two copies of Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition here on GOG.
In addition, Sachys has generously donated these prizes:
- Hacker: Evolution + DLC (Steam)
- Chaser (Steam)
- Knights and Merchants (Steam)
Please be sure to thank Sachys.
You are allowed to enter for any and/or all of these games. Please list them in your order of preference.
1) Have a GOG rep of 5 or more.
2) Be registered before Dec 2013.
3) You redeem the game yourself.
No entering for other people, please. I'd like to keep the odds even. :)
This applies to all games.
The winners will be chosen by around 8:00 AM EST on Friday, December 13.
Seeing all the giveaways and generosity around the forums and being the recipient of some myself, I've decided to give away two copies of Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition here on GOG.
In addition, Sachys has generously donated these prizes:
- Hacker: Evolution + DLC (Steam)
- Chaser (Steam)
- Knights and Merchants (Steam)
Please be sure to thank Sachys.
You are allowed to enter for any and/or all of these games. Please list them in your order of preference.
1) Have a GOG rep of 5 or more.
2) Be registered before Dec 2013.
3) You redeem the game yourself.
No entering for other people, please. I'd like to keep the odds even. :)
This applies to all games.
The winners will be chosen by around 8:00 AM EST on Friday, December 13.
Post edited December 13, 2013 by adambiser