Several things bother me, but two stand out in particular right now:
1) The constant graphical revolutions
2) PC-Console and Console-Console fanboyism
This has already been addressed, but it deserves another go-round ^_^ I'm not opposed to good graphics, nor am I suggesting that the latest graphical powerhouses are all lacking in substance. Basically, I don't have money to constantly upgrade my computer. The one I'm running now was just a touch below top-of-the-line in 2004, and I am now effectively debarred from playing any big-budget title that has been made since 2007.
In one sense, it's been a blessing, as I've gone through and replayed some old classics (I just beat System Shock 2 for the first time, and now I'm in the middle of Deus Ex -- that game almost prescient, given it was made before September 11).
However, some really great games have come out since then, and unless I want to spend $500 for the new graphics card, processor, and hard drive to get my system up to even 2006-standards, I'm cut off. Quite frankly, Half-Life 2 had gorgeous graphics, and though it may not boast the lastest bump-normal-hyper-matic-greased-lightning-mapping, it runs well on most systems and, if I understand correctly, is extremely workable. As has been said, if developers just licensed Source, they could use the remaining time and funds on content, or just save money for business' sake.
The second point, fanboyism, is just a big nuisance. I only own a PC and a Wii, but it's not because I think X-Box or PS3 are terrible, but again, I am a grad student and not wealthy. I personally don't think I would enjoy an FPS on a console as much as on the PC, mostly because I remember how awkward Goldeneye was to control on the N64; however, I'm not opposed to them or the system. The 360 has many games that sounds fun (Dead Rising...), but for me, money is a major factor.
However, there are people out there who act as though the success or failure of their platform of choice is of the greatest urgency to them, as though they helped in its creation; people crying out that the Wii is just for the kiddies, or that PC's are dying, or that consoles are for people without attention the attention span to devote to "real gaming," and so on. It's absurd. Each platform has what it's best at, and where it falters: Platform-gaming (like Mario) is still better on consoles, given the greater control allowed by the analog sticks, and the hardware stability ensures that any purchase is not going to be hopelessly buggy; meanwhile, the mouse-and-keyboard make FPS, RTS, and adventure gaming a joy to play in comparison.
Just some thoughts. Overall, I'm happy with the direction games are going. Download services are giving exposure to tons of independent developers, while the huge profitability of games is giving us titles that can take a few more risks (I'm thinking of Mirror's Edge), without developer fears of bankruptcy if it doesn't succeed (I'm thinking of Looking Glass and Black Isle).
Post edited November 18, 2008 by SGDaniels08