orcishgamer: No way am I paying 5.99 USD for Math Blaster on GOG! As for Oregon Trail I think various forms of it might be playable for "free" (as in, maybe even with permission). Odell Lake has so many remakes there's no point, etc.
Hey hey,
bundles my man. I'd imagine 3+ of the edutainment games stuck together, probably in grade order (first grade math, second grade math, etc.); or maybe you could mix and match the 3 titles you want for 5.99.
I'm wondering if anyone (besides myself) would pay 5.99 for a Pajama Sam, Spy Fox, or other HE title. They're pretty close to average adventure game lengths, but the kid-focus might make people think they won't get their money's worth. I'd think, again, bundling 2 together might be the better way to go, but Atari is re-selling the original Pajama Sam on the Wii for, like, 20 bucks, so not sure if or how that'd fly.