Melhelix: No swearing in thread titles.
No links to naked pics.
Blue-texts actually work for GOG.
Down-repping in a gifting thread is a jerk move.
Please remember GOG is based in Poland and keeps European hours, there may be a bit of a delay from US time.
Sending someone running a giveaway a pm begging for a game is considered rude (normally).
If you have any problems GOG Support is pretty awesome at sorting stuff out.
Linux versions of games are not currently offered by GOG.
A lot of the GOG games that are not currently available for Macs can actually run on a Mac using Wine, DOSBox, PlayonMac, or CrossOver.
Stickies Compendium 2.0 is very useful.
The "What did just update?" thread is great for tracking what has actually changed when a game says it is updated.
Remember to vote for games you would like to see on GOG
You cannot post links until you have more than 10 rep (I think it's ten).
If your account is stuck (something is not showing up, the update number wont go away, etc) try refreshing it:
The community is extremely international.
PaySafeCards are now supported! Woo!
And most importantly... Have fun!
i got downed reped for posting my wish list in the non gog thread and the gog gifting to the point i only had 1 game and my gog list turned into any random gog game will do :(
Melhelix: The Winter Sale ends Dec 29th.
The regular release schedule will resume afterwards. The schedule is: new games are released on Tuesday and Thursday, sales are on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The Friday sale generally lasts the whole weekend. At least one old game is released per week. Monday and Wednesday sales often only last 24-48 hours.
Fallout 1, 2, and Fallout Tactics are likely leaving GOG at the end of 2013, so if you want them pick them up now. You will always be able to download games you have purchased, even if the games are removed from the catalogue.
when i heard fallout 1 2 and tatics wer free on gog i was on the deal like Elvis on a pound of bacon(strange metifore i know)