TheJoe: Coca-cola contains caramel food colouring, which fucks with your sweat. If people aren't coming near you, it's probably because you stink of food colouring, seriously.
Give the coke a rest for a couple of days and you might smell an improvement.
But not only that, coke and pepsi are just so bad for you. Phosphoric acid can melt through bone, why the hell would you drink it? I just always felt sick after drinking it.
I dunno. Maybe it's just me. I just stick to water, coffee, beer and juice now. No coca-cola goes down my gullet and it never will.
The stomach acids produced in your body are far more concentrated and deadly to bone than diluted phosphoric acid so give that a rest. The suddenly smelling bad after a single can in nonsense too.
But hey, it's your choice. Just be consistent at least. Don't tell me the dangers of coke while cracking open a few beers and damaging your liver while having alcohol on your breathe.
Ingest in moderation and you'll be fine. You can pretty much damage your body by over indulging on practically anything.