Bron: And it's amazing how utterly dense and stupid some poeple can be. It wasn't about the down time.
Those of us who were angered over this have every right to be so. We made GOG what it is with our support and trust -- I've been here from the beginning. There has not been a stronger, more faithful believer and supporter in what they were trying to do.
But I can tell you without a doubt that it was the absolute stupidest PR stunt I have seen in my lifetime. It totally betrayed their model of trust between GOG and customer. If you can't see that, so be it, but don't belittle those of us who do.
exerron: On the other hand, You can belittle me, because I "can't see". To tell you the truth, I've been here as long as you've been, and since you speak of faith, it seems to me, that this was a test of it (not deliberately maybe, but a test nevertheless, I'm sure you can see how) and the people who write mile-long laments about how this was a trick befitting of the Devil itself simply failed it.
I will stop being sarcastic now, and say that i can understand your feelings. No one likes being tricked, and I also understand why you feel betrayed. Sometimes friends play such trick on me and it never was as fun for me, obviously.
But see my point, and there was a guy here saying the same thing: We have known, trusted and loveed for what they provide and for how they provide it for two long years. I never had a single complaint about them. There were bugs here and there, but we could saw that they were trying their best. I think most can agree with this. Two years of this well deserved trust cannot possibly be negated by a half-week long downtime (prank or not). Two years of friendship won't end because of a a prank that didn't hurt anything expect our pride and our feelings. Okay, you are angry and you thunk this was a stupid pr prank. You are entitled to your opinion. But i find it hard to beleive that you, and all others who saind similar stuff, just suddenly lost all their trust in them. Some guy wanted to delete his/her account. Just think about the good times, and I'm sure, most can forgive them. Those who can't...well maybe in time. But never...? Well it's their choice, but I can't understand it anyway. (I know you never said this, but there were other who did.)
Wether this method of marketing was stupid, we shall see in time. For our own sakes, we should hope it wasn't.
This forgivness stuff of course wouldn't work if they were some multi-corporation, but I'm sure no one sees them like that and with good reason.
That's how I meant my previous comment. It was blunt and rude, and I'm sorry. But try and understand, that this sudden rain of mistrust is strange to me in light of the past two years. It makes me wonder wether people even remember...
Let's assume all of the people who purchased games from GOG today suddenly said - whoops - we can't pay you - the time is not right - the waters are troubled -- maybe we will pay you in 4 days if the omens are good -- and other stupid stuff.
How funny would GOG think it was to wait 4 days for their money or to have promised payments withheld? I don't think they'd be laughing.
The previous posters who have pointed out that all this did was underscore the dangers of digital distribution and their promise that your games will always be available to download was right. Pretty dumb move. Hard to see how that's gonna win them more trusting customers..
But, whatever, you are fine with it, it pissed me off. So be it. Have a happy life.
prez: Look, I have a sense of humor and a sense of perspective. Losing a gaming site for a few days isn't the end of the world. But the way it was handled was completely asinine.
Think about it - all it succeeded in doing is accentuating the fear many people have about digital distribution. That is that it may be gone tomorrow. Haven't downloaded all of the games you've paid for? Too bad for you.
Well it succeeded in something else; it seems you guys managed to squander the hard-earned reputation and trust with gamers you spent over 2 years building. In the span of 3 days you've gone from being the topic of near-universal praise on every PC gaming website to being nearly universally reviled - probably NOT the effect you were looking for. Was it worth it for your little joke and attempt at some publicity?
Look, GOG deserves to survive just because of what it does - restores classic PC games for modern OS's and distributes them DRM-free. But that doesn't excuse immature and unprofessional behavior, especially from a site that has been anything but immature and unprofessional its whole existence. Being a generally older demographic, PC gamers expect a level of professional standard in the services they pay money for. My advice, for what it's worth, is joke around in the forums all you want, play the odd April Fools joke or harmless prank if you want, but don't treat your customers and friends like this in the future.
xa_chan: I'm fed up with all that, because basically, it's turning into a "you didn't understand the joke, shut and just buy you moron!" type of argumentation from people complaining that some people complain about the stunt.
Typically internet. No debate possible, the law is "whoever shout the louder wins". i'm too old to play that kind of game. GOG's stunt was lame, it seriously dented the respect I had for them and more important, the "classy community" I cherished because even in heated debates people were always polite, that community is no more. In 3 single days.
There are still lots of classy members, but the community is no more.
Yes, real, serious damage was done, but many people here fail to see it. They're probably not very good at gaming either. ;)
Maybe time will heal the wounds, I hope so. But the people mocking those who were offended certainly aren't helping.
Clearly, You, me, and many others now feel very differntly about GOG -- and not in a good way. Hard to see how that can be a good thing for GOG. Let's hope they learn a lesson from it.
And let's hope they figure out a way to restore our trust.
sean_skroht: Seriously, for all you whiners out there, you need to step away from your PC's, walk out the front door and get some sunlight.
And you need to go take a long walk off a short pier. Thanks for the insults to those who obviously disagree with you. Very mature.
I don't see anybody insulting anyone who was not offended by the "pr" stunt. Clearly, you disagree with those of us who thought it was stupid and offensive. Fine to say so, but calling us whiners is uncalled for.
Too bad you couldn't say that to me while we were quaffing a cold one, mate, I'd have a differnt answer for you.