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We know our little game with closing down the site made some of you angry. Once again we'd like to apologize to everyone who felt deceived by us closing down without any warning and without giving you access to your games. We apologize for that from the bottom of our hearts, it was done with the best of intentions and hopefully we can make it up to you!
That being said we'd like to introduce to you the brand new After two years we're finally leaving the beta stage and moving forward to provide you even better service with your favorite PC classics. Leaving beta means lots of changes to the site itself, as well. A sleek new design makes it even easier to browse through the huge catalog, share one's passion for classic games via popular social media, get to know more about the classic games available and recommend favorite titles to other gamers. Among other changes, the team has introduced GOGmixes, which are, in short, user-created lists of games around one theme. Learn more about all the new features on overview page.
But that's not all. What anniversary would it be without some neat presents? We're celebrating the second anniversary with one of the biggest announcements ever for fans of classic PC games - we're reviving Baldur’s Gate and other classic Hasbro-Licensed PC games which will be unveiled gradually in the coming weeks!
Post edited September 23, 2010 by Neville
So, are the forum issues going to be dealt with on the new GOG? Seems like some weird caching glitches going on, and the time stamps on posts make absolutely no sense.
Look, I have a sense of humor and a sense of perspective. Losing a gaming site for a few days isn't the end of the world. But the way it was handled was completely asinine.

Think about it - all it succeeded in doing is accentuating the fear many people have about digital distribution. That is that it may be gone tomorrow. Haven't downloaded all of the games you've paid for? Too bad for you.

Well it succeeded in something else; it seems you guys managed to squander the hard-earned reputation and trust with gamers you spent over 2 years building. In the span of 3 days you've gone from being the topic of near-universal praise on every PC gaming website to being nearly universally reviled - probably NOT the effect you were looking for. Was it worth it for your little joke and attempt at some publicity?

Look, GOG deserves to survive just because of what it does - restores classic PC games for modern OS's and distributes them DRM-free. But that doesn't excuse immature and unprofessional behavior, especially from a site that has been anything but immature and unprofessional its whole existence. Being a generally older demographic, PC gamers expect a level of professional standard in the services they pay money for. My advice, for what it's worth, is joke around in the forums all you want, play the odd April Fools joke or harmless prank if you want, but don't treat your customers and friends like this in the future.
re : the brand new gog


Man I really showed my age on that joke.
reddog000: You people do realize that when you purchase digital content the first thing you do is back it up via CDROM /DVD or whatever.
Then, please, tell us how to do this if your download is cut off half way and the download server is not reachable anymore.
I'm amused at all of the GOG sock-puppets and fanboys in here telling reasonable people they should not be upset! Gog screwed the pooch and messed up the trust and affection people had for them. That kind of stupid move does not fade quickly.
WB Gog, If this the price we must pay for a renewed website with games like BG all is good. I think you do not deserve all that criticism, what happened in the last few days must be considered not very different from what happended to Assassin Creed's customers on the Ubisoft servers (according to web reports at that time) , customers unable to play after a 60euro purchase, the difference is that there is a good reason at your side and a very good marketing trick indeed, who force us players and buyers to rethink about some aspects of digital distribution of web based DRM software.
I was a little miffied at first, but glad you guys are sticking around. Keep up the great deals and I will keep buying.
techparadox: Quit trying to apologize for GOG, Vestin.
Just you try and stop me xP !
Then again - they've dressed in robes and begged for forgiveness - that's as apologetic as you can get.

techparadox: You notify your customers and fans (...) and THEN AND ONLY THEN do you take the site down for relaunch.
First of all - we've been treated with cryptic messages quite a few times now and at least SOME forum-goers were delighted to ponder their meanings, so it's pretty much an established form of communication now.
And besides:
DeadlyRamon: (...) what GOG recently did to generate publicity that it otherwise couldn't afford to buy conventionally certainly appears to have worked.
In the end - it's in our own damn best interest for GOG to grow and get some attention. A few days of the site being offline is a price I am gladly willing to pay for the common good.

techparadox: I'll damn sure be downloading anything I purchase immediately so I can back it up locally.
That's pretty much what people should do anyway, considering the DRMlessness of the games in question - there's no point in waiting for the download to finish just so you can play the game you suddenly crave... Not to mention such "natural" calamities as an Internet access outage.
While you will be wise to back stuff up, "it might happen again soon" and "GOG might one day disappear" are hardly rational and/or new reasons by themselves.

In a metaphorical sense - you're a man who lived through a 2-hour power outage only to distrust the local power plant and declare to buy a flashlight and a years worth of batteries - supplies the likes of which he never considered acquiring before the event.

techparadox: This PR stunt was a crock and whoever cooked it up and whoever green-lit it should be hawking their CV around to other companies at this very moment, because they're too stupid to keep a job at any place of business.
Damn, you're one bloodthirsty m*** f***... You've felt treated unfairly, therefore a scapegoat must be found and their life should be made miserable. That sounds even worse than the entitlement freaks who SERIOUSLY suggest that they should be financially compensated for the whole thing...
If GOG were to close the business, this would be a terrible way to do it. But it was never ment to be shut down. What is more, it was clearly stated that the access to the games will be sustained.

GOG I love the way you are, keep up the good job!!! Don't mind the frustrated posts. I believe that for every frustrated customer there are 10 happy ones. But they spend time 'Games catalogue' not the 'Forum' section. More interest = more customers = more GOG. Why shouldn't you be happy about that? Frustration grows in you and only you are to be blamed for being frustrated.
Welcome back and thanks from the bottom of my heart!
I hope you will add "PM" option soon and after this I can call here the new hope you will add "PM" option soon to forums. And after this I can call here the new
Post edited September 24, 2010 by acare84
exerron: It's simply amazing how much people can whine about a little more than half a week of downtime...
Bron: And it's amazing how utterly dense and stupid some poeple can be. It wasn't about the down time.
Those of us who were angered over this have every right to be so. We made GOG what it is with our support and trust -- I've been here from the beginning. There has not been a stronger, more faithful believer and supporter in what they were trying to do.
But I can tell you without a doubt that it was the absolute stupidest PR stunt I have seen in my lifetime. It totally betrayed their model of trust between GOG and customer. If you can't see that, so be it, but don't belittle those of us who do.
On the other hand, You can belittle me, because I "can't see". To tell you the truth, I've been here as long as you've been, and since you speak of faith, it seems to me, that this was a test of it (not deliberately maybe, but a test nevertheless, I'm sure you can see how) and the people who write mile-long laments about how this was a trick befitting of the Devil itself simply failed it.
I will stop being sarcastic now, and say that i can understand your feelings. No one likes being tricked, and I also understand why you feel betrayed. Sometimes friends play such trick on me and it never was as fun for me, obviously.
But see my point, and there was a guy here saying the same thing: We have known, trusted and loveed for what they provide and for how they provide it for two long years. I never had a single complaint about them. There were bugs here and there, but we could saw that they were trying their best. I think most can agree with this. Two years of this well deserved trust cannot possibly be negated by a half-week long downtime (prank or not). Two years of friendship won't end because of a a prank that didn't hurt anything expect our pride and our feelings. Okay, you are angry and you thunk this was a stupid pr prank. You are entitled to your opinion. But i find it hard to beleive that you, and all others who saind similar stuff, just suddenly lost all their trust in them. Some guy wanted to delete his/her account. Just think about the good times, and I'm sure, most can forgive them. Those who can't...well maybe in time. But never...? Well it's their choice, but I can't understand it anyway. (I know you never said this, but there were other who did.)

Wether this method of marketing was stupid, we shall see in time. For our own sakes, we should hope it wasn't.

This forgivness stuff of course wouldn't work if they were some multi-corporation, but I'm sure no one sees them like that and with good reason.
That's how I meant my previous comment. It was blunt and rude, and I'm sorry. But try and understand, that this sudden rain of mistrust is strange to me in light of the past two years. It makes me wonder wether people even remember...
As if even 20% of those complaining that they had no access to their games really wanted to download anything in that time. And even if....

As I already said on Facebook: The stunt just showed that so many people are missing the point of GOG. "They closed down without any previous notice and we couldn't get our games! They could do it again!!" GOG is not for storing your games! You get them DRM-free. That is not just some phrase, it means that you are supposed to download your games, backup them and keep on installing them anywhere you want.

If they close down sometime in the future (maybe even without previous notice because of legal reasons that keep them from notifying us), you can be happy that they pulled this stunt, because if you learned something from tthis you'll have backups now. And that is the difference between GOG and other digital distributors: when the others go down (maybe without previous notice due to legal reasons) your games are gone completely. Seriously, dudes, if you feel betrayed, this may not be the right distribution service for you. They tried to open your eyes....
I won't comment marketing way of relaunch (I understand you had to put site down for a few days but don't like style you made it).

If I focus on the technical side only, I have to say it's (still) bad done. I like the design, but why do I have to wait (yes, it's pretty slow) until browser will finish downloading of images for rounded corners when I know it can be done via CSS? (Most of current browsers can do that.)

Formatting of user reviews is completely broken (no new lines, no replacement for entities...), and new post form is in window popup - wait, what? - it's year 2010 or 2000?
Post edited September 24, 2010 by MCZ
Congratulations on the success of your marketing stunt. I saw that you had 20 times more traffic than you'd ever had. I hope that traffic leads to lots of new sales, and those sales lead to lots of new publishers releasing their games on :)