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We know our little game with closing down the site made some of you angry. Once again we'd like to apologize to everyone who felt deceived by us closing down without any warning and without giving you access to your games. We apologize for that from the bottom of our hearts, it was done with the best of intentions and hopefully we can make it up to you!
That being said we'd like to introduce to you the brand new After two years we're finally leaving the beta stage and moving forward to provide you even better service with your favorite PC classics. Leaving beta means lots of changes to the site itself, as well. A sleek new design makes it even easier to browse through the huge catalog, share one's passion for classic games via popular social media, get to know more about the classic games available and recommend favorite titles to other gamers. Among other changes, the team has introduced GOGmixes, which are, in short, user-created lists of games around one theme. Learn more about all the new features on overview page.
But that's not all. What anniversary would it be without some neat presents? We're celebrating the second anniversary with one of the biggest announcements ever for fans of classic PC games - we're reviving Baldur’s Gate and other classic Hasbro-Licensed PC games which will be unveiled gradually in the coming weeks!
Post edited September 23, 2010 by Neville
GameRager: Do you happen to know what the picture text means in english, by any chance?
It's 4AM here, let Vestin sleep, he's got to study!:P
It says: We're closing the site with Your games, lol" "[got a] problem [with that]?"
gulldarek: The outcome was quite different from what they expected but it doesn't mean that GoG is not trustworthy.
Fakum12: Of course they lost a lot of trustworthiness - because (even there is no drm) this whole digital distribution thing is about reliablility. And shutting down the download section without warning (and even cutting off running downloads) is the opposite of reliable.
And why should this not alter the way we see They lied once to us, so they will probably do it again.
How did they LIE?!
To quote a guy from Slashdot:

""Huff! Puff! Well, *I* won't be buying from them again after *this* treatment! Harumph!" Seriously, people, do you have any idea how you sound? Like a curmudgeonly old fool. Oh, you are SO offended! And you know *someone* out there is thinking of suing because their fragile little selves were damaged.

My reaction was "Oh, shoot, I was going to go and get Syberia next week." and then "Oh, cool, I can still get Syberia." Any reaction more serious that that is a complete failure of your perspective matrix."

Also, to quote a guy from Tomshardware:
"Certainly was a good stunt. I never heard of gog before this."

For the record - their first revival vid has got nearly 45k views at the time of this post.

Sargon: I'm sure CD project and their owners wasn't amused :-)
I actually read an article on their own site, referring to the stunt as "retarded" 0_o. I mean - come ON - they should at least cut THEMSELVES a little slack...
I didn't think the gag was funny, but I'm more annoyed by the drama queens throwing tantrums about it.
Fuck you guys, you gave me a heart attack. I love you.

I am however going to boycott your service like these other rational and reasonable people. For all of five minutes while I go upstairs and look for my credit card so I can purchase Baldur's Gate.
I really don't understand the angry backlash. I was surprised/stunned/saddened when I tried to visit the site and saw the message, but (with minimal Google searching) figured out that it was just a cute joke about leaving beta.

Now GOG is up again (as they planned to be). They didn't steal from you. They didn't con you. They didn't mean to hurt your feelings. They still provide classic games with no DRM and lots of extras. GOG is not a giant, faceless corporation and I, for one, enjoy the playful, sincere, personal stuff they do to try to connect with their customer base.

Obviously, they missed the mark with several people on this one, but It doesn't make them any less reliable. It only means that their sense of humor doesn't match up with a large chunk of users, and that they will probably not try this type of joke again.

Chill out. It isn't a big deal that you had a couple of days to play games you already own... or go outside... or read something... or pet an animal...

Thank you, GOG, for your hard work and for your commitment to bringing us games we can actually own -- and not just digitally lease from someone.
Well, I came to purchase a game when all this started. I was very shocked, as I come here almost daily and saw there was no notice of this. Then to find out this was just a bs stunt. This is very bad business. And on top of that, the "new" website sucks. I keep getting blank pages and have to refresh. It looks like you are in beta now. Anyways, I'm logging out as I don't care for this kind of marketing stunt.
it wasnt that funny at all, but i somehow liked it xD

i want a cool weekendsale to make up for it lol
Vestin: They needed to shut the site down because of the overhaul ANYWAY. It's not like they deliberately went offline just to annoy people - they simply tried to make the best use of the downtime they could.
smerles: Sorry but this is bullshit. Not a big deal doing the "overhaul" (i.e. setting up a new frontend) on a new / different server and than switch with a minimal or even no downtime at all. Happens all the time in other companies.
Agreed. Quit trying to apologize for GOG, Vestin. If a business needs to take a site down for a relaunch, just making is suddenly disappear with (thinly) veiled messages on the main page, leaving it out of commission for the better part of a week, and spooking your customers in the process, is NOT the way to do it. You notify your customers and fans saying "hey, we're going to be down for a relaunch starting on [date]" (it's not like they don't have our e-mail addresses), you give them plenty of notice so they can get whatever they need to do completed, and THEN AND ONLY THEN do you take the site down for relaunch. I'm not saying I'm not going to buy from GOG ever again, but I will think twice before recommending the service to any more of my friends, and I'll damn sure be downloading anything I purchase immediately so I can back it up locally. This PR stunt was a crock and whoever cooked it up and whoever green-lit it should be hawking their CV around to other companies at this very moment, because they're too stupid to keep a job at any place of business.
GOG didnt' piss me off with that brilliant attention-getting tactic. I'm just happy GOG's still around in a bigger, better, and stronger format, with an expanding inventory of the classics of which I'm quite fond.

I didn't like feeling like GOG was down for good last Sunday, but by the next day I'd seen discussions and posts which speculated, some quite authoritatively, that this was indeed a marketing ploy, so on Monday and Tuesday I was reassured somewhat of GOG's solvency and health. With the announcement on Wednesday, there was no doubt about it: GOG really was reopening, better than ever, and of course today, Thursday, it's happened.

Now I'm no sycophant, I've no blind loyalty to anyone, but what GOG recently did to generate publicity that it otherwise couldn't afford to buy conventionally certainly appears to have worked. I hope more people join it and buy games from it regularly, like I have been since I joined a year and a half ago, so that it stays afloat in these risky economic times.

Long live GOG!
ChazFox: Man, reading this thread is like reading comments on Youtube video whenever they announce a new feature or a revamp of the Youtube site.
People just like to complain. In time they'll look back at this and see the funny side (And hopefully see how stupid they were to go I'M NEVER BUYING FROM GOG AGAIN BAAAAAAW).
reddog000: I totally concur with this Chaz. is providing a model that other download services cannot match. DRM-free!!!!!!!!!!! What the hell is wrong with you people??? Sorry for the harsh language...has to be done.
Besides all the people complaining about not being able to download their purchased games is an inane and moot point. You people do realize that when you purchase digital content the first thing you do is back it up via CDROM /DVD or whatever. Steam (blah) has it right in their menu for cryin' out loud! is awesome and doing us all a great service. When you purchase something do your part and PUT IT ON DISC!!!!
Grow up....geeze!
PS - Sorry for the rant but these cry babies are forgetting HOW MUCH GOG.COM is breaking the cookie cutter cutthroat DRM frenzied industry. Keep up the great work GoG team I really appreciate it unlike some of these other gamers (not sure they should even be called gamers!) Peace out and I again apologize for the is what it is :)
And what about those people who don't have the time or disc space to back up everything the very second they buy it? What about those of us who may not have had the backup handy or lost it due to some catastrophic drive failure or a DVD-R getting scratched beyond readability? Part of the service GOG sells is the ability to re-download your purchases at any time for any reason. They yanked that out from under us without prior warning. I'd say that alone is reason enough for the consumer to be pissed off, especially when GOG could have warned everyone well in advance of the temporary shutdown. Not to put to fine a point on it, you're being an apologist for a stance that is not able to be defended. Sure, they're back and the service will continue on for the time being, but if one of your buddies pulled a prank on you that made you think something you valued was gone for good, would you be so quick to forgive him and trust him at the same level before?
I pity the fool who still think people complain because they have been deprived about their access to GOG during 3 days. Yeah, I pity the fool.

For they miss the whole point.

It's not about not being able to download something ; it's about trust. It's about not playing with the feelings of the ones who support you from day one, your customers.

If you can't understand that, then you've missed why some old-timers (no offense ^_^) of this community are pissed.
GOG lives again --------- YYYAAAAAAYYY

Marketing stunts ---------- BOOOOOOOOO

Anyway long live GOG and congratulations for the new site
This was about as funny as a doctor telling you that your loved one did not survive the surgery only to hear him chirp moments later "surprise! she's alive after all." Afterward the idiot doctor asks why noyone is laughing, that there must be something wrong with us to not see the humor in all of this.
Plain and simple, this was a sick joke followed up by a weak apology with little sincerity. The less than penitent monks were more like a couple of caught smiling kids, admitting to what they had done without any actual regret for the consequences of their naughty little trick. The stunt was fake but the anguish and heartache felt over it was very freakin real. You really want to apologize, GOG? Then give us a video of those monks enduring a plethora of Monty Python style medieval torments. Show us what a truly penitent monk really looks like!!!
Ohh, shiny. I like. GOGMix and look forward to seeing some awesome and interesting list. But people should actually write words in their lists instead of all this just throwing a bunch of games into a list. Give us some reasons why. I must know why!