DrIstvaan: Still, consider it this way. The Guild is very well worth $10, and then you have Spellforce for 4$. I think it's a deal even if you decide not to spend too much time with Spellforce ;-).
(Or, buy just The Guild for $10. If you'd decide to hand out $14 for a sure-fire bet game and one you're not sure to like, you even save $4.)
This is why promos are so evil.. most of the time I only want one of both, but then the other is so ridiculously cheap that it feels stupid not to buy it. This has made me part with more money than I was planning to many, many times.
I was interested in The Guild, since some people seem to be crazy about it (the give a game get a game thread almost turned into a "get everyone The Guild" thread). I had no interest what so ever in Spellforce, yet it is now claiming a spot on my precious shelf.
But hey, who knows, it might be fun..
I love GOG =D