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Also preferring to keep a low-profile, Agent 47 is the main character of the Hitman series. The newest game featuring the bald assassin brought a lot of new ideas to the table, and not all of them met with gamers' appreciation. We give you first two classic Hitman games: Hitman: Codename 47 for only $2.99 and Hitman 2: Silent Assassin, for only $4.99!

That's only a small taste of the Square Enix title you can get 50% off this weekend. Head out to our Ultimate Square Enix promo page, to check out the whole offer!

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This Week on GOG episode 13
Post edited February 08, 2013 by G-Doc
N0x0ss: So if I understand correctly, anybody on the forum can wish for the death of anybody without any risk of sanction ?
What do you suggest? As TET said there's not even legal basis for any action towards him. Besides, he asked the kids to stop fighting. I really like to think people on GOG (including them both) are mature enough and that this was just an isolated incident. I hope you're not set on proving me wrong
Hmm, maybe I should finally get either Deus ex or get Thief 3..
low rated
N0x0ss: Just trying to make a point, I couldn't give a **** about Licurg and whether he dies or not, but i'm getting fed up with his automatic immature response :"Go die " instead of intelligent criticism.
You didn't bother reading the the post I wrote that to, did you? What "intelligent criticism" was I supposed to write? I'm trying to ignore the fucker, he won't ignore me.

If it matters - I don't give a shit about you either.
N0x0ss: *snip*
Adzeth: Let's put it this way. You just wrote that thing. For argument's sake, assume those were some true feelings.
Do you really feel like you should be given a punishment more severe than a note that says "you made yourself look pretty silly there"?
Ask yourself if you really want a forum where every two messages are death threats gone unpunished ?

I mean when something damages the integrity of the forum, and its image, I for once would like to stop it.

This behavior of wishing upon death on other forum members can be a common thing on sadistic forums, but there's no place here for such behavior. We're all human beings, and the absolute basis of respect would be, avoiding death wishes I believe.

Then again, I do have high regards for this place, and I do care about this forum's image... Mustn't be the case with everybody.
Could Next weeks game hint be Leisure Suit Larry 7 Love for Sail
Kunovski: I'm seriously considering getting the Blood Omen series (I have the first one as an original CD so I'm all set :)

anyhow, what's the order I should play the games?

1) Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain
?) Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen 2
?) Legacy of Kain: Defiance
?) Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
?) Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2

can anyone help? :)
They should be played in the order of release:

1) Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain
2) Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
3) Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2
4) Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen 2
5) Legacy of Kain: Defiance
GaminggUy45: Could Next weeks game hint be Leisure Suit Larry 7 Love for Sail
Nah can't be since Scumm VM doesn't suppourt Larry 7 and there is no inferior lo-res version either.. Sorry still miffed about the state of the Larry 1-6 bundle, honestly as much as I would love Larry 7 here I would still prefer to have them fix the set they already have even if it means switching the games over to dosbox or at least Larry 6 which should of been used in the first place...or at the very least leave the files for running the hi-res version of the game in their(seriously ripping out unused files is just stupid)

Sorry I'll stop.
Adzeth: Let's put it this way. You just wrote that thing. For argument's sake, assume those were some true feelings.
Do you really feel like you should be given a punishment more severe than a note that says "you made yourself look pretty silly there"?
N0x0ss: Ask yourself if you really want a forum where every two messages are death threats gone unpunished ?
Death threat is something else entirely. For example, "I'm going to use black magic to kill person X" is a death threat on person X. "I wish person X was dead/dies" is, if serious, an admission of hatred, and if just words, thoughtless and stupid. What kind of punishment does that warrant, really? "Hey, you, you have negative emotions! Go to jail without passing go."

If you keep acting hateful, people are going to start avoiding you. If you keep saying silly things, people are going to think you're silly. In this case, I saw someone going "There's a joke Y about you! I'll make that joke Y about you" and the other person responding "Gee, I've never heard that one before and it's not old or anything. Here, have my complimentary stock response".
i am very much tempted to buy the legacy of kain series but i dont know wheter or not the first blood omen will be available on gog
Can't you guys discuss it in somewhere else ? Create a separate thread and leave this one for the weekend deal .
GaminggUy45: Could Next weeks game hint be Leisure Suit Larry 7 Love for Sail
DCT: Nah can't be since Scumm VM doesn't suppourt Larry 7 and there is no inferior lo-res version either.. Sorry still miffed about the state of the Larry 1-6 bundle, honestly as much as I would love Larry 7 here I would still prefer to have them fix the set they already have even if it means switching the games over to dosbox or at least Larry 6 which should of been used in the first place...or at the very least leave the files for running the hi-res version of the game in their(seriously ripping out unused files is just stupid)

Sorry I'll stop.
Maybe they'll put them back in soon
Zchinque: I never understood where this idea that Constructor is so hard came from. I'm currently playing through all the scenarios on hard with multiple AI opponents, and while it can be a little hectic at times, I can't say I find it that hard.

What is true is that the council missions, and the demands of some of your residents can be a bit tricky, if you're not suitably prepared, but once you've played the game once or twice, that shouldn't be much of an issue.
jpolastre: For starters, because enemy AI doesn't suffer the same restrictions you do. They aren't bothered by whiny tenants or the stupid council. They don't bother with money either. I don't remember 2 enemy AIs attacking each other. Therefore the only thing they care about is annoying you.

You on the other hand have to juggle the enemy AI, the council demands, tenant and worker production, house improvements, tenant demands, cash flow, workers' health... have you noticed how fast enemy workers recover from injuries?

Technically I'd say the major problem is that micromanagement is a bit extreme on that game. I could probably do a lot better by pausing every 10 seconds to check through everything I mentioned, but that would suck all the fun from the game. I do pause and micromanage, just not that often. If you manage to win under the conditions you said you either micromanage often or you must be really good at it so kudos to you. But there's no denying the game is hard
Oh, the AI cheats. Big time. What you should do is get a bit of a head start. You start off with two workers not assigned to a foreman - right away send one of them off to the AI's building site. This will halt construction for a bit. The AI will after a while start building houses - without a lumber yard, mind, cause the AI cheats - but you should already have a decent advantage. If you're lucky and/or observant you can catch one, possibly two, of the AI's construction teams on the construction site when it blows up.

Early game, focus on getting a steady supply of workers going. You need them for extra foremen and repairmen, in particular. I usually won't bother with any rent paying tenants at level one, surviving off of loans to begin with.

The council missions are triggered once you build the third house of a given level, so make preparations prior to erecting the final building.
Building all level 2 houses gives you the "Get rid of tenant X" mission. Usually I'll just send in a couple of foremen to take it, but if you have money to burn you can quickly set up a brick yard, and either a Mr. Fix-It or a pizza parlour to get a gangster, and blow it up.
Building all level 3 houses gives you the "Build a park" mission. Prepare by making sure you have trees and a pond in stock. Once you the site for the park is up, set up a subway station right outside the entrance, before placing the trees/pond.
Building all level 4 houses gives you the "Build 4 level 4 houses". No particular tricks to that one, but it's expensive, so make sure you have a good bit of cash at hand before triggering the mission.
Building all level 5 houses gives you the "Build 5 tricked out levle 5 houses". Same as the last mission, just make sure you have plenty of cash. There's also no reason to trigger this mission, unless it's required by the scenario you're playing.

On higher difficulties, I've found that the layout you get with the last two scenarios aren't very beneficial, so I just build the houses as specified in the scenario, don't move anyone in, and once the mission is complete. sell the houses and use the lot for something worthwhile.

As for undesireables, I remember them being limited on lower difficulties, so I never used them there. On hard, I build a Mr. Fix-It once I have a brick yard to take out key buildings (police stations, undesireables, and the occasional house) and Psychos to destroy fences (which provides a good source of income). Occasionally the clown has uses - mainly distracting dogs.

Main use of level 1 tenants is to create lots and lots of workers. If you get told you have too many, convert them into foremen/repairmen/gangster. I like having 3-4 building teams and 1-2 spare foremen to take over buildings. Usually two gangsters are enough to deal with any problems.
Main use of level 2 tenants is to pay rent in the early-mid game. I don't bother with police stations, myself.
Main use of level 3 tenants is to create mob favours. Probably throw in one or two who pay rent as well.
Main use of level 4 tenants is to pay rent.
Don't bother with level 5 tentants. That way you don't need to trigger either of the last two council missions.
StingingVelvet: Want a bunch of these totaling around $12. Can't use my card on GOG right now though. If anyone wants a Steam game of around $12 PM me and let me know, I can gift you a Steam game in exchange for these.

I might just try asking mom to buy them though, like I am 16 god damn years old again.
I'm with JMich above, if no one else offers, shoot me a PM and I'll take care of you. Don't Steam myself, but maybe a GG game, make it up at a later date, or not even worry about it...12 bucks won't break me bud...besides, your Mom may not even approve of the games you want ;-)

Licurg: If there's anybody that still doesn't have Startopia, now would be a good time to get it, it's one of the most underrated games ever made.
gameon: Better than Sacrifice.
Just my two cents here...why instigate Licurg? It's kinda like you were subconsiously asking for trouble. For the record, I like both of you guys. Just play in different corners of the room huh?
Post edited February 08, 2013 by Zoltan999
DCT: Hmm, maybe I should finally get either Deus ex or get Thief 3..
Get both!
Kunovski: I'M GONNA GET YOU, T!

:) yep it's fun :D
Sure is