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11 Might & Magic games, Far Cry 1&2, Prince of Persia trilogy, and 20 more Ubisoft games 60% off.

Welcome to the fantastic realms of [url=]Ubisoft Catalog. The publisher is famous for releasing original titles, full of pure gaming magic and memorable moments. This weekend you can get more than 40 Ubisoft titles 60% off their regular price. Amazing action-adventures in the ancient Middle East or a dystopian future, first person perspective shooters telling the stories of secret agents or special forces operatives stranded on dangerous islands, strategies set in fantastic lands, the distant future, or our very own mundane reality, colorful platformers, racing games, dungeon-crawling RPGs--all this and more waiting for you and tempting you with low, low prices. Let's put some titles in a spotlight, shall we?

Might and Magic is one of the 1990s iconic RPG series that sprouted into a successful line of fantasy strategies loved and cherished by gamers worldwide. Now you can retrace the whole history of the Might and Magic games, beginning with the classic dungeon-crawlers bundled in the Might and Magic 6-pack, through the timeless Heroes of Might and Magic 3 - Complete Edition, to the beautiful modern Heroes of Might and Magic 5 Bundle. You can even check out the intriguing action-rpg spin-off: Crusaders Might and Magic. A whole fantastic universe awaits you!

Far Cry and Far Cry 2: Fortune's Edition will take you on a dangerous voyage through breathtaking locations filled to the brim with dangerous foes and ruthless beasts. This elaborate FPS titles were deemed revolutionary--not only in the graphics layer, but also for their huge maps allowing for some open ended gameplay. Are you ready to face the tropical heat?

All of those Ubisoft games, and many more, can be yours for 60% off this weekend. Go to the promo page to check out the details of this Ubisoft Über-sale!
FoxZero: I just can't do those fast paced twitch shooters anymore since my reflexes aren't what they use to be.
I know what you mean I have that problem too. I just can't compete against these kids anymore I'm 29 and my reflexes aren't hyper ninja super snapshot my refelxes feel so SLOW I know I used to be able too but not anymore anyway most of those People that play them are absolute Assholes they are so unfriendly.
Big_McLargeHuge: Your main mission in Far Cry 2 is to kill the Jackal.
fr33kSh0w2012: Yeah and I guess he doesn't exist in the game.
He's the person that talks to you once you get to the hotel at the beginning of the game and first wake up from malaria. The one that buries the knife into the wall behind your head. Maybe you weren't paying attention to the story? That can happen when you're just not interested in a game. Happens to me with some games.
FoxZero: I just can't do those fast paced twitch shooters anymore since my reflexes aren't what they use to be.
fr33kSh0w2012: I know what you mean I have that problem too. I just can't compete against these kids anymore I'm 29 and my reflexes aren't hyper ninja super snapshot my refelxes feel so SLOW I know I used to be able too but not anymore anyway most of those People that play them are absolute Assholes they are so unfriendly.
I remember making insane snap kills when I played Allied Assault, and that was with just a few hours practice. Now I don't dare touch a PC COD game because I can't compete. I gotta buddy in the same boat and he plays twitch shooters on the consoles because he does better lol

Joining a good clan is the best way to avoid jerk offs and go mad tactical. So sad I only recently learned this. I wish lan parties were still popular. Now I have a car and my own computer, and none to drive to :(
FoxZero: I remember making insane snap kills when I played Allied Assault, and that was with just a few hours practice. Now I don't dare touch a PC COD game because I can't compete. I gotta buddy in the same boat and he plays twitch shooters on the consoles because he does better lol Joining a good clan is the best way to avoid jerk offs and go mad tactical. So sad I only recently learned this. I wish lan parties were still popular. Now I have a car and my own computer, and none to drive to :(
I know! The LAN thing died out in the early 2000's and now with gamespy gone it isn't very fun any more I used to love playing FEAR 2 Multiplayer but gamespy carced it. when they got taken over!
Post edited October 13, 2012 by fr33kSh0w2012
FoxZero: I just can't do those fast paced twitch shooters anymore since my reflexes aren't what they use to be.
fr33kSh0w2012: I know what you mean I have that problem too. I just can't compete against these kids anymore I'm 29 and my reflexes aren't hyper ninja super snapshot my refelxes feel so SLOW I know I used to be able too but not anymore anyway most of those People that play them are absolute Assholes they are so unfriendly.
I'm a lot younger then you but i feel my reflexes slowing as well. It depresses me greatly to think that in 10 years i won't be able to do what i can now. It's human nature, but it sucks.
That's why I love tactical games like Tribes or ARMA. Doesn't matter how good your reflexes are, if you are dumb, you will lose. I only get smarter with time ;)
Big_McLargeHuge: I'm a lot younger then you but i feel my reflexes slowing as well. It depresses me greatly to think that in 10 years i won't be able to do what i can now. It's human nature, but it sucks.
So you're 16 to 19 years old You'll really feel like it when you're 20 to 30 years old you feel like an real old crutchety man when you get to be my age Of course I also have Irritable bowel syndrome which in general doesn't help at all when you're trying to have a multiplayer Sesh and your intestines feel like they are gonna detonate any minute so yeah it's real hard just like the pressure in my stomach Right now you do eventually get over it though when your my age all those kids playing HL2 DM and COD and TF2 you secretly think "I can't believe I used to be like that, My god WTF was I thinking!" then you think "what immature little douchebags" then you think "Eff 'em I don't wanna play with morons like that" especially when some little dick wit calls out "CHOWNED" and "AWBAWBAAAAWWWWWWWBBBBBBBBAAAAWWWBB" then "AWBAWBAWBAWB" these kids are like De-evolving I got out of the Multiplayer scene YEARS AGO never really was a part of it anyway Secretly Most of these kids CHEAT with aimbot wallhacks shootbots and Lag-switches I know I can fire up Quake III Arena and I'm back where it's at just a shame iD was eaten up by Bethesda softjerks there notto is "If we can't beat 'em BUY 'EM" they have sucked up so many good companies including iD, arkane, Tango gameworks and Machinegames to name them all, see what they are DOING!! they are buying up ALL the software companies and the ones they buy up they are making them bankrupt deliberately.
Woah, playing M&M6 has dredged up memories that I've actually played it before, when I was younger. I had no idea what I was doing and didn't get very far, but it's still cool that I suddenly remembered. One of the few games (along with Empire Earth and Myst/Riven) that I actually have nostalgia for on this site.
Are the Prince of Persia series playable with keyboard + mouse ?
I have only played Sands of Time and it is perfectly playable with keyboard + mouse.
With regards to Far Cry 2 and the Jackal...

I'm not sure if this is the best article (there were quite a few with similar opinion), but it did share one of my sentiments about the mysterious "invisible" madman.
ne_zavarj: Are the Prince of Persia series playable with keyboard + mouse ?
It's interesting - The Sands of Time is much better playable with kboard + mouse. First I played the ps2 version of it and I got stuck towards end, with about 80% complete. It's a crazy point in this game where you have to fight packs of enemies at once and turned out everyone had problems there on ps2. It really pissed me off but then I started playing the pc version and turned out that for some reason kboard + mouse works a lot better when fighting enemies and I had no problem whatsoever when I reached that crazy point with 80% complete - it only took 2 or 3 tries.
I had an urge to go back and play these games, and getting 9 might and magic titles, 5 homm titles, and crusaders all together for 37.50 is definitely awesome. Takes the sting off of missing the deal on the dnd titles a couple of weeks back.
ghoast: I had an urge to go back and play these games, and getting 9 might and magic titles, 5 homm titles, and crusaders all together for 37.50 is definitely awesome. Takes the sting off of missing the deal on the dnd titles a couple of weeks back.
I got all those plus Far Cry 1 & 2 and XIII. Wallet, forgive me :( .
ShadowWulfe: With regards to Far Cry 2 and the Jackal... I'm not sure if this is the best article (there were quite a few with similar opinion), but it did share one of my sentiments about the mysterious "invisible" madman.
"Gilmore Girls speed," lol. I need to finish this game to know what happens. Not the most engrossing plot but I had a blast playing the game when it came out and again 2 years ago.

The graphics of the game give it a feeling like ARMA. Bad guys can really disappear into the background with the right lighting. It takes some time to get use to. I like the aggressiveness of AI enemies on Hardcore mode, but they become borderline bullet sponges and patrol vehicles are more irritating. Gotta be a really efficient killer lol