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FTL: Faster Than Light, Expeditions: Conquistador, Reus, Age of Wonders series, and more games to challenge your wits 50% off!

Even though mainstream media like to present it so, gaming is not all about action, violence, giggles, and occasional cinematic experience. There are many computer games that inspire analytic thinking, attention to detail, and careful planning with their deep and complex gameplay. Strategy games, management games, puzzle games--all of them challenging your brain to work better, faster, and stronger. It's a real [url=]Thinking Gamer's Delight! This weekend, we've selected a dozen games that follow this pattern, and discounted them by (5^2)*2 percent! Let's take a look at some of them, shall we?

There's no need to introduce FTL: Faster Than Light, right? Well then, let's focus on a title that hasn't ever been discounted: Expeditions: Conquistador! This charming indie title puts you in command of a small expedition party and presents with gameplay mixing RPG with strategic resource management, turn-based combat, and choose-your-own-adventure elements. Now, for only $9.99!

Expeditions: Conquistador trailer

Reus is a unique environmental puzzle game with charming 2D graphics, amazing complexity, and a strong god-game feeling. You'll be tasked with creating stable and thriving ecosystems by matching various mutually dependent tiles in the much limited space that the surface of your little planet provides. There's a lot of effects to discover and the amount of unlockable features will greatly motivate you to continue playing through gradually more difficult stages.

Discover one of the all-time favorite fantastic strategy epics with Age of Wonders, Age of Wonders 2: The Wizard's Throne, and the most recent title in the series Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic, which offers virtually infinite playtime with its random map generator feature. If you like turn-based strategy games following the time-proven explore, expand, exploit, and exterminate scheme, but you haven't had the chance to play these games, this is a good moment to start, as [url=]Age of Wonders 3 is coming DRM-free to[/url]!

If you get tired of thinking and would like to give your gray matter some rest, the promo also includes Overlord + Raising Hell, so you can relax a bit while your minions do most of the hard work spreading mayhem and mischief across the realm.

That's only a few of the games we've selected this weekend. Click through to the promo page to see what other intellectual challenges we have in store for you, at 50% off discount. The Thinking Gamer's Delight promo lasts until Tuesday, August 27, at 3:59AM GMT. Don't miss out!
Post edited August 23, 2013 by G-Doc
I've been thinking about buying FTL for some time but I'm still on the fence about it...A few questions to people who have played this game: How repetitive is the gameplay? Is there a great variety of random events/encounters in the game, or does the same thing occur fairly often? How long did you play FTL until you lost interest in it? (if you did at all)
First i thought about finally buying FTL on GOG, but than again i dismissed the thought
and set my view on the missing AOW. Thanks GOG
szablev: I've been thinking about buying FTL for some time but I'm still on the fence about it...A few questions to people who have played this game: How repetitive is the gameplay? Is there a great variety of random events/encounters in the game, or does the same thing occur fairly often? How long did you play FTL until you lost interest in it? (if you did at all)
Events are definitely repetitive. So is the gameplay but it doesn't bother so much in this type of games. It's nice because you can experiment a lot to see which tactics is better in different situations. For example: you can aim your weapons at enemy's weapons but only a fraction of your bullets will hit them because the shield stop the rest. You can, however, destroy the shield first and then destroy other systems. Some weapons ignores shield so you have to decide whether it's better to easily destroy the shield and then destroy the rest but in some situations it's much better to disable his powerful weapons first so that they won't fire even once... Yeah just a few examples. More diversity comes when you unlock more ships/types. They are all specialized so sometimes you will rely on lasers, missiles, ion weapons, drons, stealth... or even your crew (you can board enemy ship and kill its crew) All in all I played for a bout a week but quite intensively. I win the game several times, unlocked most of the ships and I'll definitely come back to it in the future to unlock all of them. I can recommend the game, it's a good one although not flawless.
It's a pretty good promo, but with a title like "Thinking Gamer's Delight" it's rather disappointing that Spacechem or some other puzzle oriented games weren't included. Most of the promo titles this time are strategy games.
Ghorpm: snip
Thanks for the insight, while I'm not happy to hear that the events are repetitive, the combat does sound interesting...I suppose I have 3 days to decide if I want to buy the game or not!
Post edited August 23, 2013 by szablev
Erich_Zann: Shadow Magic has more bling, but the first Age of Wonders is the better game.
Yes, but one of the hardest ones I´ve ever played
Just a couple of quick questions:

1- Is Expeditions Conquistador closer to King's Bounty or HoMM series? Personally I prefer controlling only one hero with a vast army like you do in King's Bounty.

2- Is there sinergy between units (A can buff B; X can draw attention away from Y, etc.)?

Thanks in advance.
Ugh I would love to get FTL and Expeditions: Conquistador but I have a LOT of games that I've already bought and haven't even started yet, let alone beaten. I'm talking upwards of 20 or 30, so until I can make a dent in my back log I'm gonna have to pass. Still, a very interesting and tempting promo, it's a shame we don't have more games coming out that require the player to use their brain.
I really want Battle Realms but I need to start saving money and sadly, couldn't do that in August.
Erich_Zann: Shadow Magic has more bling, but the first Age of Wonders is the better game.
tejozaszaszas: Yes, but one of the hardest ones I´ve ever played
So you basically agree it's better.
This said, I beat the "evil" (Cult of the Storms or something) campaign without major problems back then. Rather unforgiving, but not that hard if you paid attention.
Really nice promo. Combination of new and old games. Good and great games. Should be something for everybody, especially if a strategery gamer. And nice seeing a couple games having what I believe to be their first sales (but might be wrong about that).
In the end I decided to get both, Expeditions: Conquistador and Reus.
Considering picking up Overlord and Battle Realms. Both look interesting, if I ever get the chance to play them.

Been playing a lot of the Warlords Battlecry series. Between that and all the TBS games on this promo, I've gotta ask if there's any chance of seeing the TBS Warlords series on GOG?
Hey guys, does anyone else have problems with the Promo page? I can't click anything and it won't show the individual prices nor will it show the countdown. NoScript doesn't seem to be the problem and i've never had this happen before.
But the symptoms are related to disabled JavaScript. If the page works as expected in Firefox's safe mode, then it's likely NoScript or a different add-on causing this.