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Miasmata, the Geneforge Saga, Hotline Miami, and more up to 85% off!

Indie games are always throwing something interesting into the mixed bag that is gaming. Untried concepts that would seem like a risk to the big AAA publishers (whose games tend to have budgets that require scientific notation) are brought to life. Concepts such as [url=]an alternative version of Texas, or an 8-bit open world romp through the video game memories of yesteryear have all been brought to us by indie games with all the attention to detail and love of the craft that an indie developer can provide.

Let's check out what we we've got in our own trail mix of indies in the IndieMix Promo!

Are you an explorer? Does the thought of making your own map using triangulation, yes, actual triangulation!, get you all excited? Then book a ticket to Miasmata for only $2.99! After being stranded on an unknown island, you must search the island for the cure to your own illness. Be careful as you are not alone!

Some RPGs will have you rolling your party for hours on end before you can even set one foot out the door. While that can be fun, sometimes it's easier to create party members on the fly, so to speak. Create your own party members using your very will--a single hulking behemoth or a herd of rapid-sting scorpions--in the world of Geneforge 1-5 Yours for only $3.74!

Fiending for a bit of the old ultra-violence? Are you done with being the nice guy, the so-called Chosen One, and saving princesses? Yeah, so are we! That's why we took a drive down to the Sunshine State and signed Hotline Miami for those of you who cried out "No more Mr. Nice Guy!" Snatch it now for $2.49!

This was just a taste of what's in store for you in our weekend promo! We have so many other interesting indies in our trail mix or, rather, IndieMix Promo until Tuesday, May 13th, at 3:59 AM GMT!
Dzsono: And who doesn't get motion sickness too easily. Hopefully, they make the camera more steady in HM2 :S
Licurg: Nothing wrong with the camera . Some people are just pussies ...
Well, I guess that just makes me a large, gaping axe wound.
Nice, I've been waiting for Drod since I passed it up last Christmas.

Does anyone know if Dyad is lacking any sort of Steam-based functionality? Doesn't seem to be missing anything like Steam leaderboards, but I've got to ask.
Nice weekend promo, picked up Machinarium, Spacechem, and Unmechanical. Thanks!
Can someone please explain that clock that appears in several of the DROD screenshots here on GOG? If it's something like a move counter, great. But if it is a timer (as in how fast can you complete this level?) it'd spoil the game for me.
Pretty interested in Avernum and Geneforge. Anybody recommend one over the other? They are both cheap but seem to have enough content that by the time I finish one, the other will probably be on sale again.
Darilon: Pretty interested in Avernum and Geneforge. Anybody recommend one over the other? They are both cheap but seem to have enough content that by the time I finish one, the other will probably be on sale again.
They have noticeably similar gameplay, from what I've seen (which admittedly isn't that much: I've played Geneforge 1, part of Geneforge 2 and the Avernum 1 remake, and read more on the forums). Geneforge has a...slightly more sci-fi element (though it's definitely still fantasy) and you play a single character in each game who literally makes his party around him. Quite an interesting mechanic, as the more effort you spend on your party members, the lower your maximum mana will be. Avernum involves making a more conventional group of heroes.
Geneforge has more moral dilemmas. Avernum focuses on the action.

Both will likely challenge your tactics strats. Geneforge party is a bit smaller than Avernum party, so less micromanagement (sort of).
Can anyone recommend Machinarium? Especially for adventure noobs? Looks interesting!
Great selection, once I again I have most of them, but that's not GOG's fault. (Well, it sort of is, but you know.)

Might finally pick up The Real Texas, seems original enough to warrant a play. And could get Evoland on GOG, even though I have it from elsewhere and suspect it's pretty mediocre. Any opinions on The Ball?

As for recommendations, Megabyte Punch is amusing if you like combat platformers, and has an enjoyable art style. Spacechem is a decent puzzler with some story thrown in, though it can get workman-like if you're not a big puzzle fan. Capsized is so flipping unforgiving that I uninstalled at after failing at one level roughly thirty times. Dyad didn't impress me at all.
IAmSinistar: Any opinions on The Ball?
It's certainly an above average first-person puzzle game with some enjoyable puzzles, but also some fairly frustrating bits. Also, there are a handful of so-so action sections. One thing I remember standing out to me was the nice colour palettes. I'd definitely recommend it if you're really into puzzle games, if you're not a huge puzzle game person, then you can probably just skip it.
IAmSinistar: Any opinions on The Ball?
Austrobogulator: It's certainly an above average first-person puzzle game with some enjoyable puzzles, but also some fairly frustrating bits. Also, there are a handful of so-so action sections. One thing I remember standing out to me was the nice colour palettes. I'd definitely recommend it if you're really into puzzle games, if you're not a huge puzzle game person, then you can probably just skip it.
Thanks. It seems somewhat like InFlux, though with less disorienting puzzles and combat added. I enjoyed that but gave up after a while as it just wasn't compelling enough to keep going. I suspect the same might befall me here, so I'll give it a pass. I appreciate your response!
Reever: Can anyone recommend Machinarium? Especially for adventure noobs? Looks interesting!
Yes, I'm not a huge P&C adventure fan myself but picked it up because I liked the look. It's very cute and the puzzles far less annoyingly unlogical than I'm used from my other attempts at the genre. Altogether immensely enjoyable and in my opinion newbie-friendly. Be sure to back up your save games, though, as mine vanished after a Flash update, taking progress and motivation with it.
Reever: Can anyone recommend Machinarium? Especially for adventure noobs? Looks interesting!
Definitely. It's so much more friendly than older adventure games like The Longest Journey or Beneath a Steel Sky. I consider myself an adventure noob too :D But with Machinarium you can hardly go wrong.
Even if you are stuck somewhere you can get in-game hints.
It's not super easy, but it's way more accessible than old hardcore point-and-click games.
Thank you for the gift of The Real Texas, skirtish! That was a lovely surprise.

Reever: Can anyone recommend Machinarium? Especially for adventure noobs? Looks interesting!
skirtish: Yes, I'm not a huge P&C adventure fan myself but picked it up because I liked the look. It's very cute and the puzzles far less annoyingly unlogical than I'm used from my other attempts at the genre. Altogether immensely enjoyable and in my opinion newbie-friendly. Be sure to back up your save games, though, as mine vanished after a Flash update, taking progress and motivation with it.
I have been holding onto this title because it's the only other Amanita Design game on GOG beside Botanicula. I adore Botanicula, it's what got me back into PC gaming after a long hiatus as a console player. So I am saving Machinarium as a special treat for myself. If it's as good as Botanicula, and there are plenty of indications that it is, then it is an unmissable game from this deal.
I have the remake of Avernum: Escape from the Pit elsewhere, but I haven't played it yet. Is there a reason to get the original version here as well? Other than supporting the developer I mean, a noble goal to be sure.