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1 Weekend Promo, 2 fantastic franchises, 14 classic games, $26.91 for the complete collection, 100s of hours of unforgettable gaming

all games from Wing Commander and Ultima series available on are discounted by 50%. You have the chance to buy Wing Commander 4, or Ultima VII: the Complete Edition for only $2.99 until Monday, June 4 11:59 PM EDT.

Ultima is a series of fantasy RPGs created by Richard Garriott (a.k.a. Lord British more) than 30 years ago. The main story of Ultima universe, which takes place in the worlds of Sosaria and, later, Britannia, follows the unnamed protagonist (known only as the Stranger or later as the Avatar, an incarnation of virtue) through three “Ages”: The Age of Darkness (Ultima I-III), The Age of Enlightenment (Ultima IV-VI), and The Age of Armageddon (Ultima VII-IX). It’s one of the most influential RPG series, recognized for open-ended gameplay, in-depth morality system exploring mature themes like racism and xenophobia, and a rich and detailed world. Whether you want to try the original trilogy, visit thousands of colorful places and characters in Ultima 4+5+6, play through Ultima VII: The Complete Edition--arguably the best in series, find your way back home in Ultima VIII: Gold Edition or complete Ultima Underworld 1 and 2, the first first-person RPGs with true 3D environments, all these titles are available for only $2.99 this weekend on

Wing Commander is a series of 3D space combat simulators, described by the games’ creator Chris Roberts as "World War II in space.” In this series, you follow pilots of the Terran Confederation in their fight against the aggressive feline Kilrathi. Introduce yourself to the epic military space conflict in Wing Commander 1+2, play as Col. Christopher "Maverick" Blair (starred by Mark Hamill) and watch amazing FMV cut-scenes in Wing Commander 3: Heart of the Tiger, enjoy fast, action-packed, and varied space combat in the most expensive video game of its era Wing Commander: Privateer.

In addition to that, because the Wing Commander series plays so much better with a joystick, we’ve approached the guys from Logitech and they were kind enough to offer a few awesome Logitech Extreme™ 3D Pro joysticks to our users. Leave a comment below for a chance to win 1 of 3 logitech joysticks. You can also enter a similar joystick-winning contests on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.

Become the Ultimate Commander (THE ULTIMMANDER!) and buy the complete collection of EA’s Most Famous Classic Series for only $26.91, this weekend on
Woo! Joystiq! I mean, Joystick!
Joystick giveaways are good! :-)
I've been holding off getting a joystick since the 90's, for some reason. Didn't know what to look for, I suppose. Then the flight- and space sim genres seemed to fade away. I kind of missed the bus there.
Just got Wing Commander 3 and 4. Can't wait to see some dynamite acting by a couple of great actors. Would love to win one of those joysticks. :)
Trunroswi: Wing Commander IV: The Price of FREEdom? 2.99 USD :D
ThomasGoG: *Cough* Freedom isn't free.

Thanks for reminding.
I'm really looking forward to flying round space and shooting down fighters, it's just a shame that later Ultima games took that feature out. I guess I'll have to make do with the Wing Commander series to gvie me that fix
I want to thank GOG for this sale. I am having a blast playing WC I and II again (I even bought IV but I probably won't be able to download it for a while due to its size) and am glad so many people will have a chance to play these games and see why Origin Systems created worlds.
As broke as I am, I went ahead and got WC I,II, and IV. I now have everything in the sale with the only exception being Ultima VIII because my Publisher's Choice CD edition still works.

I am having a blast playing Wing Commander I again. I have a signed copy in the box of I, but it is on floppy disc. Besides, I like to keep that one in immaculate condition since it is a prized possession. I keep it in a case. But now, thanks to GOG and this sale, it's time to blow some Kilrathi out of space again!

It would be nice to win the joystick, but if not, the mouse will suffice.
Post edited June 04, 2012 by ZapMcRaygunn
I think the last time I had a joystick is when I bought MechWarrior 2: Mercenaries (which hopefully will one day be added to GOG's catalog).
In for a joystick. Being a keyboard+mouse user, I'd love to try playing Descent with one.

I'm thinking of getting Ultima VII, Underworld 1+2, and Wing Commander 3 and/or 4. I got both series on my wishlist, but I'm tight on cash right now. Any suggestions?
fmninja: In for a joystick. Being a keyboard+mouse user, I'd love to try playing Descent with one.

I'm thinking of getting Ultima VII, Underworld 1+2, and Wing Commander 3 and/or 4. I got both series on my wishlist, but I'm tight on cash right now. Any suggestions?
Sell a kidney?
PCGameGuy: Heh, just dug through a drawer and found my Stelladaptor. USB interface for original 2600 joysticks to PC, I bought one when I grabbed the Atari 80 Classics and Activision collection discs. :)
theadam: Argh! Would say I'd buy one, but give that the joysticks themselves are gone... Oh well :)
I went crazy a few years ago and bought three 2600s off of eBay for $75. :) I let the units go later but still have some joysticks left since by then I had the adapter!

Nostalgia gets expensive. :P
hansappel: It did help. But it did also raise a couple of other questions. =)

Where does Ultima VII fit on the sliding dialogue.combat scale? When I play dialogue-y RPG's, I feel the combat gets rather tedious much of the time. In the Fallout games and Planescape: Torment I always looked forward to the dialogues and got somewhat annoyed when I had to go through long battles, but it didn't bother me that much as the battles could often be bypassed and were rather easy on the easiest difficulty settings. Also, the followers in the Fallout series didbät require that much work to control and the games could played with only one person in the party.

But the Baldur's Gate games, that everyone else seem to love, weren't very enjoyable to me because of the party, inventory and combat management. I really liked exploring the Forgotten Realms and talking to people, but battles where I had to prepare before, pause the game, play tactically, reload and try a different preparation/tactic and so on ruined the game for me. I don't mind having to do such things when facing bosses, but these encounters were common - even on the easiest difficulty level! For example, in Baldur's Gate 2 I used to run into vampires quite a lot, and they required me to cast Protection from Undead (or was it Negative Energy Plane) before facing them, and that spell had to be cast on each and every party member that the vampires could reach to attack in close combat, otherwise they were level drained to death or at least required some kind of treatment to regain the lost levels again after the battle.

Is Ultima VII like that?
Although I haven't gotten too far into the game, and have yet to see any challenging combat. (Hooray for killing sheep!) It doesn't seem like it will be an annoying or obnoxious combat system. It's in real time, or as real time as games back then could be, and is essentially:
1. Open menu
2. Set character to combat mode (As opposed to the peaceful mode)
3. Set tactics for you and each member, these are represented by dots and require a bit of guesswork, but you have your typical "Close to attack weakest/strongest/group" "Stand off and attack from range" and quite a few others, the options should make any combat a breeze.
4. Set up your teammates in the same way. (I assume you leave your teammates set to the combat mode all the time, as they don't need to do any talking except with you)
5. Click on an enemy and go.

As far as healing goes, when you open your menu it pauses, allowing you to use whatever you need. Also you can change gear like this. I haven't gotten to use magic yet, so I can't say as far as that is.

From what I've seen though, I'd say the combat system feels a bit like a cross between Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (The originals, not the new one) for the actual fighting, and Elder Scrolls for how the healing/equipment is managed (Time wise). I personally think I'll be enjoying the combat quite a bit, although I think it's intended to take a back seat to the story/exploring aspects (I've heard fighting is actually less effective for leveling up than doing side quests). But then again, I'm also the kind of person who loves grinding in RPG games.

Hope this helps!
Oh boy, I think I have to get them all... at least the Wing Commander Series. But I need mooooore time :D
PCGameGuy: Nostalgia gets expensive. :P
Yeah it does... I think I know what has happened to my old stuff - I've left it at my parent's home and they've decided it's just a useless junk :)
I was addicted to Ultima Underworld and I remember lowering the settings because their cpu requirements for the highest settings were so high! lol.
Props to Logitech for their joystick giveaway! Classic Wing Commander with those speech packs and trying to get the min memory right on the .bat file to be able to execute the game. =D